February 18, 2025
11 11 11 AM
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Always Moving Forward In Prepping

It can get tiring trying to keep up on prepping. It’s sometimes overwhelming. All the projects, all the gear, all the effort. The key is to do something every day. Sure, with work schedules and family obligations, we can’t work at large day long projects every day of the week, but doing the little things on a daily basis can help.

Here, I’m giving my small solar generator a test and a charge. First, I opened it up and put it in the sun for the test. The solar panel is putting out power, and the charge controller is charging up the battery. The battery itself though, may not be up to par. Better I find this out now, rather than when I need to depend on it. I’m setting up the electric charger and will let it charge for the day and see what happens. In the meantime, that took me 10 minutes to set up and I am now free to get on with my regular work day.


Other quick and easy things to do for your prepping needs include going to the grocery store on your lunch hour to pick up some dry goods or canned foods. Take a couple empty gas cans with you to work and stop to fill them up on the way home. Throw some kitchen scraps on the compost pile on the way out the door.

The point is to do something, anything, no matter how small it may seem, towards being better prepared.

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