HopeImReady. Now you are going to have to take up sewing, so you can take in those clothes that are to big. Congrats on your hard work paying off.
Aside from having 10 days on Evacuation Alert for flooding that didn't happen, this year has been better so far, than last year. The only down side w...
Peppercorn. Are you sure the price of the chicken was for just one? Our Supercenter has them for 2 for 15. No one around here has whole powdered mi...
My grand father was mustard gassed during the 1st WW. Concequently, he had asphma, bad. He would put a little of this powdered stuff in an incense b...
Foxglove: Did you hear about the massive flooding in Grand Forks? From what I heard, water got into the sub-station, also, so the town has no power ...
Went to a huge garage sale on the weekend. Scored a 2-door pantry cabinet with three shelves, for $15.oo. Also quite a few board games that the gran...
I check in almost every day, but seldom ever post, for exactly those reasons, helicopilot! Yup, I agree with your post.
Thanks......Looking forward to it.
Couldn't remember the title until I saw it here. A little difficult to look up without the title
Watching Pioneer Quest: A Year in the Real West would be awsome. I missed a couple of episodes when it was on TV a number of years age. Very good se...
What wonderful news. Congrtulations.
Thank you......just what I needed to know.
I totally agree!Our only debt is our mortgage, and we could pay that off tomorrow if we so chose, BUT, said mortgage is making us money. You see, we ...
Peppercorn: What are the Anasaki beans like? I've never heard of them before.
Welcome from the Kootenays.