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A Prepper’s Guide to Protective Clothing

Guest Post By Thomas Bowman From SafeGuard Armour

Preparation is the key to the survival; no prepper needs to be told this. This preparation includes gathering supplies, fortifying locations, planning routes, and understanding important survival tactics. What others don’t realise, however, is that all of this has incredibly practical applications even before the SHTF. For example, gathering supplies and fortifying locations is of great help in the case of extreme weather like flooding or storms, or even a blackout. Interestingly, some preppers have even used their stores to help others affected by disasters, proving that preparation is not the paranoid activity many accuse preppers of undertaking.

Of course, the ultimate aim of preparation is to keep you ready for any dangerous situation. Just as important as understanding first aid, hunting, or maintenance is understanding body armor. Many people do not realise just how important and useful a bullet proof vest can be, and just like the above examples, just how many situations it can help you in.

Bullet Proof Vests

A bullet proof vest is the most common form of protective clothing, but even this is available in multiple styles and at different levels of protection. Choosing the wrong vest leaves you with an expensive and useless conversation starter; the right vest, on the other hand, can keep you protected against a wide variety of things.

The first thing to consider for anyone purchasing a bullet proof vest is what protection level is necessary. Protective clothing is tested and graded according to standards set by the US National Institute of Justice, and these NIJ Levels set out exactly what ammunition the vest can stop. For example, a vest at Level IIIa can stop the vast majority of ammunition used in handguns, including 9mm, .357, .40S&W, and even .44 Magnum rounds.

Bullet proof vests are capable of stopping a wide variety of ammunition, including those used by automatics and rifles, and even armor piercing rounds. These high caliber bullets will need additional protection however, in the form of rigid plates made of Ceramics and/or Polyethylene. These plates can be worn in addition to soft Kevlar to give you complete protection.

This high level of protection may seem unnecessary, but in the case that society does crumble, you may find yourself besieged by those who want to take what you had the foresight to store. These people may be armed with high powered weaponry, and you will need to be able to protect yourself.

Stab and Spike Proof Vests

On the other hand, as time goes on and ammunition dwindles, you may find yourself under attack from those with edged or spiked weapons. These may be far less intimidating than a rifle, but are no less deadly. Many do not know that a bullet proof vest cannot protect you against any edged or spiked weapon, and you should therefore consider a stab or spike proof vest. Stab and spike proof vests use additional materials like chainmail and/or plastic laminate to create a tough surface to stop weapons like knives, axes, needles, or even arrows and crossbow bolts.

Wearing Your Vest

If you are going to invest in a protective vest, it is worth considering how you want to wear it. In the above scenario you may not need to worry about the style of the vest; wearing an overt vest over clothing will suffice, as it will display your preparedness and may even deter potential attackers. It also has the added benefit of keeping you warm, which may be of benefit if a Nuclear Winter engulfs the world.

However, as many do not appreciate, preppers are practical and cautious, and as we have noted their preparation comes in very useful even before the end of the world. If you are to buy a bullet/stab/spike proof vest, it will be of benefit to wear it from day-to-day. Even before some potential disaster brings the world to its knees you can be at risk of attack and injury anywhere. Therefore, wearing a covert vest (one worn under clothing) allows you to be prepared wherever you are.

One of the added benefits of a bullet proof vest is the protection it offers you in a variety of situations. The fabric used in soft bullet proof vests is incredibly strong and can absorb and disperse vast amounts of energy. This is how it stops bullets, but also means that any impact will be dissipated. Many have survived otherwise fatal car accidents thanks to their bullet proof vest, and everything from falling debris to unarmed attackers will be thwarted by your protective clothing.

Thomas Bowman has many years of experience in the defence industry and is currently the resident expert writer for SafeGuard Armor, who provide a range of body armor, stab proof vests and other levels of protective clothing.

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