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Was it really all that bad?

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A great number of us have recently come out of what the media touted as a polar vortex. Now I don't know about you, but every winter I expect and prepare for a few days in a row, maybe up to a week of REAL cold. I mean -40 or so. These are the days when my little wood stove just doesn't quite cover it and I look for an extra heat source, usually kerosene or propane, but I have been known to knock the dust off the thermostats and actually use the electric baseboards.
This extreme cold snap hasn't happened yet this year. Oh sure, -20 to -30 is not shorts and tshirt weather, but it sure isn't the coldest I expect from a typical winter.
About a week ago, news media was touting warnings of extreme cold and the phrase polar vortex was on everyones lips. Not only that, but pretty much any You Tube homesteading and off grid channel was posting videos about how dang cold it was.
Was it really that cold? Did we fall into a sense of panic due to all the hype about it?

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Its been pretty mild here up until last week. Coldest I have seen this winter is -35. Maybe I will see it again, -30 this AM. It just become a typical winter. If -40 comes, oh well, Im ready for it.Just using the wood stove in the basement to heat the house, the upstairs is a little cool, but not enough for me to bother lighting the upstairs stove.

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Well it dropped to -20's in Southern Ontario. There was some days where buses were cancelled as I believe Diesel won't start at a certain temp. (The exact temp eludes me atm.)

But as for that, the region had warming stations for those who use them, and life carried on. Albeit somewhat more uncomfortable than usual. I feel the "hype" at least on local media is more about ensuring the most vulnerable such as the homeless are being watched out for. There is a whole process through the government when that cold watch is issued that puts into play local services...

I think you're right though Denob. It might have been a bit hyped up.


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We had a number of days that were in the low 30's that with wind chill that took us into the late 30" or early 40's combined with one day of -38 with wind being -43.. and that was cold.. not in the house cold.. it was fine in the house.. we were comfortable inside but outside.. doing chores.. it was brutal.. We were long underwear, outwear, double layered and we used hand warmers tucked to give that extra bit needed.

I am not sure it was worst then other years, we have maybe three or four out the last 15 that have had the same kind of cold for a couple days. But we sure got a lot of snow.. We got more snow in dec of 2019, here on the farm, then we have gotten on any other dec since we moved here.


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Having my wood stored inside a back basement bedroom this year is going over very well, I have not had to step outside for wood at all! Its really nice not to have to step out at -30.

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I think the media is just playing things up a lot of the time. They go on and on about "omg we are going to get up to 10 cm of snow" or omg we are going to be at minus 25" just to get people worked up and get them to listen to radio / tv more.

Historical Climate Data

a sample for Ottawa

1961 to 1990
Daily Average (°C) -10.7 Jan, -9.2 Feb
1971 to 2000
Daily Average (°C) -10.5 Jan, -8.6 Feb
1981 to 2010
Daily Average (°C) -10.2 Jan, -7.9 Feb

As you can see, the average Feb temperature has gone up.

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Well, we will see what comes of this latest storm.. I have to admit that the radar is pretty amazing, I can't honestly remember the last time I have seen a storm at reaches from the gulf straight up in a line with no breaks up into the southern Ontario/Quebec. I am interested to see if we will get the amount of snow they say in the short 24 hours window.. only time will tell.


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Maybe it's just the result of being prepared for it. While I really don't look forward to clearing 12-16 inches of snow, I have spent yesterday and this morning getting ready. Lots of wood brought into the mudroom, tempo cleared off and shovels gathered, batteries and devices are charged, and so on. I feel confident about being ready, but at the same time I'm interested in how the unprepared are going to fare.
What surprised me the most about the last cold snap was the complaining from people who are supposed to be able to handle it. Perhaps more hype than hardship?

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Should be fun to listen to media over next two days. Lots of pretending about how dangerous it was ... guessing one will hear about those trapped in a car on 401. maybe some ambulances not getting to folks in time ( sad) Some people will almost assuredly tell harrowing stories of how they had no means to get to store for food.

I for one hope it would snow like this for a solid three days and teach folks a valuable lesson. People would likely still forget/ like they did after ice storm. That said, there are a heck of a lot more generators being displayed in stores, so there is traction out there for being better prepared. a good sign and one we should take whenever we can. I am an impatient man so would like to see people buy in more but that's life i guess.

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I agree Denob, I have done the prep work, checked the oil, checked the gas tanks.. prepped the gear and filled the extra water this or that.. hauled more bedding for critters, hauled more food down now and stocked it up.. Sure it could be cold, sure it could be white out and yes, I am planning that we will have a good amount of snow removal needed..

But as you say.. when you have preps, you are not nearly as worried about your own place so much as to see how it goes for others.

I agree Clarence, I am sure there will stories.. I am sure we are going to here that the side streets are not cleared, they were not cleared from the last storm, so of course there is going to be a back up from this one. AS for the those running to the store.. they have had a heads up on this storm coming in now for at least 4 days!

That was lots of heads up people..


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14 inches of snow on the farm overnight and hubby was told.. stay home.. work from home.

Farmer R showed up (unasked but very welcome) and cleared the main driveway and pushed the big snow pile at the corners off to the side so that cut down our own clearing by at least a hour plus with the snow blower.

Still snowing.. some good drifting going on out there..

???how about you


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I would guestimate about the same for snowfall here and still snowing. I've done one shovel width down to the driveway and will go back over it to widen it out later. The driveway is a different story...snow plow has piled it up about 4 feet high...I'll be looking for a snow removal guy to pull it out with a tractor.

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Only about 10-15 cm here. One light pass with the plow. My wife insisted that she "gets to shovel the walkways." Freezing rain and heavy rain predicted with high winds to come.

None you improvise, one (or more) is luxury.

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Well I did not think it that bad here, though the last 4 weeks of largely overnight lows into the -30s are wearing thin my patients, I have anecdotal evidence from the rural gossip vine, that due to high hay prices, and a long cold stretch that a number of people have been given warnings from the spca regarding feeding (or lack there of) of horses/cattle.
I do not own such animals myself, but from comments from my neighbours who do, the cost too feed such animals through the winter can add up,even in a good year and if last years hay crop was hit like last years garden performance, I expect feeding costs for such animals to be hurting a lot of people.

Give a man a gun, and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank, and he can rob the world.

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Hi Peppercorn, I know a few years ago when we were really hit hard, I had to cull a number of my flock so I would have hay for those that I kept, and I was sprouting and doing other extras, still when my main hay guy said, last two bales till first cut and it was coming spring, I had thought I was though the worst.. had to butcher my 14 month old steer so I could hold out and extend to keep the sheep herd and my team going, everyone was good weight but No one came out with the normal winter pudge on them..


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