Last seen: Apr 30, 2023
So, I checked with the wife (Biologist and Food and Nutrition Teacher.) What she said: Soy is an excellent choice for a TVP. It has all the amino a...
phenomenal find. thanks for posting this.
...that is a very very good question. And the answer depends...Many items were a knee jerk reaction to the shut downs required for COVID. So...
Can't seem to find reasoning or a pattern but several types of construction materials are scarce. As for that, life has seemed to really returned to...
1)Finishing Emergency Management Course at Ryerson University. 2)Stocking up on food buckets and general preperedness "stuff"3)Work....the COVID shutd...
Ever been in a hurry and just eat a few spoonfuls of the instant? I might have.... thats not right either..... 😆
Ever been in a hurry and just eat a few spoonfuls of the instant? ....Dude thats just not right. lol
Do you have any evidence that this works. Like..other then anecdotal.Perhaps a double blind clinical trial, or something along those lines. 🙂
Well....The Vodka should certainly give a pleasant affect. 🙂
Evidence based science and technology makes no differentiation between natural and whatever the buzz word is for the the alternative.Half of all pharm...
Crownsown, yep, no point in arguing.Let’s us know whether you think the people in the movie I recommended are flat earthers and lizard people. Be in...
When I try and type in my IPN username and password I get this:The specified username is currently inactive. If you have problems activating your acco...
Worth watching on the economic possibilities coming up:Stephen Harpers Cambridge House Interview:Jeremy Granthams Bloomberg Interview:Cathie Wood Bloo...