May 16, 2024
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And Now For Something Completely New

It’s getting ridiculous in prepperland recently. I’ve almost completely given up on the endless garbage being spewed by prepper blogs, Youtube channels and Facebook pages. Am I just going on a rant today? It may seem like it at first, but hang in there and it just might start to make sense.

As those in the bizz endlessly attempt to outdo each other with more shocking headlines & titles, it has gotten almost impossible to glean any useful information from the product pushers they have become.

I recently unsubscribed from a relatively new YouTube channel. The beginning videos were promising. The presenter claimed to want to do something different and claimed not to be a political channel. We saw a gardening experiment fail miserably. This person clearly had zero idea how to grow food. That failed experiment took up a whole 3 videos, then the channel degraded into the usual political and conspiracy theory junk that so many others seemed to be getting success with. Disappointing? Yes, but at the same time predictable.

I also recently left a prepper related Facebook group that had almost no content other than Rambo types showing off their ever growing collection of sharp and pointy things. Reading post after post about why this knife was better than another or why one person did or did not have the “ultimate survival blade” was becoming, well boring! It was honestly an over examination of steel grades and handle materials.

Just last week I turned down an affiliate offer from a company ready to launch a supposed revolutionary indoor gardening gizmo. This new scientific breakthrough couldn’t grow enough food to feed a rabbit let alone a person or a family…and all this for only $1100 US! What a load of junk!

Am I the only one fed up with the onslaught of “prepper leaders” convincing us of the horrible state of the world? Why are Trump or Obama or Trudeau, or Ford becoming reasons to prep? Don’t even get me started on the Illuminati being oh so close to overtaking the world…they’ve been “this close” for decades now.

Honestly, we’re ready for a reset. Time to go back and start again. The term prepper may have already suffered a fatal blow. How many of us complain about the opinions of the general public about preppers being crazy? Well we are all as much to blame as the reality television show that we all love to blame. It’s our fault for supporting those Facebook groups, YouTube channels, and blogs about the water turning the frogs gay!

Has it all been a waste of time? Have we lost all hope? Maybe not. There is a new idea coming to light. A new movement that just might go down the right path.

On Thursday, I will share this new idea with you. Until then, go check out all your social media sources and sort through them. Anything that doesn’t show you how to do something or talk about realistic survival (as opposed to encouraging you to become a corpse in the wilderness) should be on a delete list. It’s time to stop encouraging those that have been giving preppers a bad name.

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