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Threats To The Value of the US $$$

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Illustrious Member
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As mentioned earlier, BRICS bank is now coming into play. How can this affect the US dollar and possibly speed up it's collapse? I came across this link and it explains BRIC's present plans somewhat.

They predict that it may take up to 2 years to start lending but is it the start to something that has been predicted for some time.

Reputable Member
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Here we go...

Estimable Member
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Here we go...

I got no opinion so far as I don't know much but take a look at the response to that article on wikipedia! Holy Moly someone was quick!

Illustrious Member
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Here we go...

Although it was inevitable, it seems still a surprise that it has finally happened. The article blames Russia for that without mention as to maybe why Russia did so.

Seems we should all start properly reciting this story that Russia is totally to blame as we must now convince our young folks that they are fighting for a just cause. They will likely be confused somewhat when they note that the Ukrainian soldiers beside them have SS on their helmets while waving SS flags and banners. We should tell them it stands for Sterling Silver maybe.....

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Really??? I'm not sheeple enough to think the world is rosy, but I'd think that if Russia completely closed the valve, that it would show up somewhere other than on fringe media websites no? I dislike fear mongering websites....

Illustrious Member
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Really??? I'm not sheeple enough to think the world is rosy, but I'd think that if Russia completely closed the valve, that it would show up somewhere other than on fringe media websites no? I dislike fear mongering websites....

Now ya got me looking too cause I saw mention yesterday and ignored it.... 😆 Now I'm awake and wondering why too....good call!

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Also reading the wikipedia page (which probably won't last long...) I can understand why my university profs cringed when I quoted wiki in my papers...

On a different note, though slightly selfish, I wouldn't mind the U.S. dollar sliding back down to Canadian $ parity. Temporarily living in the USA while getting a Canadian contracted salary, my buying power is now 15% less and getting worse everyday it seems.

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Really??? I'm not sheeple enough to think the world is rosy, but I'd think that if Russia completely closed the valve, that it would show up somewhere other than on fringe media websites no? I dislike fear mongering websites....

Nowhere in the quoted piece (from the Daily Mail, by the way) did Adams say that russia "completely closed the valve"on europe.
The emphasis on just "europe" would fall under the journalistic prerogative implicit in : "whatever you do unto the least of my members, you do unto me". That tactic is done across the board of media... with more programmed subtleties.

In fact, in the next paragraphs it was stated that 6 euro countries were affected by reason of having fuel going thru ukraine.
Oh, i guess that's allright then. It's a chess game.
Is there also denial that rus. is ditching the petro dollar in favor of the ruble ? Or the swiss made their move on euro?
And what about the other relevant points in the piece?

Personally i experience no fear whatsoever in scanning anyones' presented data. I always look for what elements may be valid, no matter how they are perceived to be presented,,,,willing to suspend judgement.
Had you read the whole piece beforehand?

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Had you read the whole piece beforehand?

Matter of factly I did. I was actually quite interested - though skeptical - until it fell into the conspiracy theory mode, mentioning the Saudi royalty being flown out of the USA ahead of 9/11... etc etc

This article lead me to scouring the main stream medias worldwide in the few languages I know and no one seems the less worried about Russia and it's ressource at this very moment, other than for Natural News. There is obviously a constant source of concern that this could happen and indeed, this did happen in the past. In 2009, gaz delivery was cut by 20% over unsettled - and mounting - debts ( ) and last year ( ).

At the end of the day, if apprehension toward WWIII leads people toward preparedness and self-sufficiency, then that's a good thing. I just personally dislike drummed-up fear mongering, where fringe medias turn every day events into the proverbial straw that is about the break the camel's back. This is just my personal opinion and I respect yours.

When it comes to preparedness, I try to use the WWII-vintage quote - now made ubiquitous - "Keep Calm and Carry On"

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