Hi everyone. It's been a long time. Hubby was so sick for the longest time, but passed in November of 2019. Daughter Cathie has moved in, at her Da...
Well said Denob!
An excentric older neighbour of ours passed a few weeks back. His family asked me to caretake the property for them as they live quite a distance awa...
Nice job on the bus.
PeppercornWe all make mistakes.......I've made more than my fair share. Yes, the sodium content is still dam high, but not as high as we fitst though...
Learner:Wow, those seeds were a heck of a good deal I can't ever remember seeing seeds at anywhere near that price. I don't know what the stores do ...
At a Yard Sale the other day, and picked up a brand new, still in the package Swing Away Can opener. I have one that I love, and use every day, but i...
I would contact Kraft directly and ask them where you can get the single serving packets of Cheez Whiz.
In our little corner of the world, gas is $1.43. I put half a tank in and it was over $50.oo. ouch!
We've been getting temp highs of 25 to 32 degrees during the day and 8 to 15 degrees at night. We still have a comforter on our bed, and DH asled me ...
Farmgal: I have never experienced 47 degree weather.....never! Today it's 22 and raining. Can you figure iut how to send us some of your excess he...
Great idea Peppercorn.
I am interested in them also, but can't find a Canadian source.
Enjoyed the article. It was very well written.