Tag: Prepper canada
Annual Preppers Meet – My Experience
From July 11th to the 14th, I had the privilege of attending the 10th Annual Preppers Meet. This year was my first time back since it’s humble beginnings in Huntsville, Ontario many years ago and I was floored by what I saw!
Product Review – The Bible of Baofeng Guerrilla
I came upon a Facebook post one day promoting this book and offering free Kindle copies for review. Being the owner and regular user of Baofeng radios, I was naturally curious. Wondering what more there could be to learn about these amateur
It’s Garden (Planning) Season!
Winter is a time when many preppers are dipping into preps. The home canned foods are getting opened and eaten, the firewood pile gets used up, and fuel gets burned in the generator after winter storms knock out power. That doesn’t mean
Fish and Bird Antibiotics Banned!
Dr Bones explains how the FDA has banned popular fish and bird antibiotics, making them next to impossible to get!
Assembling The Grab And Go HF Radio Kit
Answering A Viewer Question From YouTube
Always Moving Forward In Prepping
It can get tiring trying to keep up on prepping. It’s sometimes overwhelming. All the projects, all the gear, all the effort. The key is to do something every day. Sure, with work schedules and family obligations, we can’t work at large