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Gay Preppers - Seriously

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Rene EcoGay
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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 3

Hi Henry,

In case of a disaster you're absolutely right. We felt the same back in 2009-2012. It could strike any day we thought. And then it didn't, instead we see a steady slow decline. So we thought what if we only get a few sudden shocks but otherwise it'll just keep going down slowly? And why do we have this decline in the first place? Is our whole system of society so unsustainable that slow faillure is baked in? If so, how do we fix society? How do we as gay people fit in? With cities pretty much doomed in the mid to long run, what's the alternative? That and many other thoughts led to us starting this project. We don't want to be the only gay men for miles and miles around, we want a place where we can feel cut loose a bit from constant judgement. AND we want to build a better world at the same time.

But still I agree, if disaster strikes hard, none of it matters, then only whoever is with you counts.

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Posts: 225

First ; In case of catastrophic disaster millions of people will community will not help the growth of population.
Second; Why promote any gender, color , nationality, height,weight..........i do not call on preppers of my type or liking's . Why you do?

Rene EcoGay
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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 3

I think we might be misunderstanding each other on your first point. As I already said before, indeed in a disaster it does not matter, you will work with who's available to cooperate with. So no disagreement there. Population growth is not something that I find of great concern, so that's a difference of opinion. I hope we can just say that it's fine to disagree on that.

On your second point, that's more complex. You personally might have no problem whatsoever with someone's sexual identity. I like that, that's great, so thanks for looking at people as people. But unfortunately that's often not the case we experience ourselves. It's not that we feel hated or anything extreme, but we're always watched, judged, spoken of behind our backs with often no reference to our personality, but mainly just to being gay. That's tiring I can tell you. Just like anyone else it's nice to feel included and judged on the person you are. Also, our wish for community only goes so far that we'd like the core team in residence to be gay men. Anyone can visit or join in activities if we were to organize any, and in case of a disaster we'll have no problem to step out and help anyone where possible, or help defend the greater community against treats. Finally, anyone who would want to live in a group, no matter how small or big, looks for people who he can relate to in ways chosen by any person himself.

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On the population growth comment, I'd also point out that it will be the least of our worries, at least at first. Amongst the heterosexual population, birth control would likely be a more pressing concern, as well as lack of modern medical care for those who are pregnant or who become so. There are many of us who either cannot have children, have serious genetic disorders in their family history, or are past that age (myself included) - and modern fertility intervention will be rare. We still have lots to offer besides repopulating..there will be enough people doing that I'm sure...

"The thing about smart mother f*ckers, is that they sometimes sound like crazy mother f*ckers to dumb mother f*ckers." -Abraham .”

Noble Member
Joined: 13 years ago
Posts: 1230

Just checking in. I love that this post is still going. In a Thomas Jefferson manor, freedom cant be given. It must be fought for and taken, then held against those who want to take it away. This post is a truely revolutionary act.
I would love to hear from some lesbian preppers...stepping up

I have a Tactical Harness and I have a Tool Belt. The Tool Belt is more Useful.

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