Hello all, I have created a post in the Australian preppers forum to explain what is going on, just click the link.
Came across this one dated 2012. I wonder what will happen in coming months with what may look like a resetting of the current stock market. One hears the articles on debt, trade... I “think” there is something about ready to pop but who knows.
Looking at yesterday’s video of the crazy people breaking down doors, fighting and shooting people over Black Friday sales, only solidifies my view on how fast we would sink as a society if we faced a serious crisis. Mob mentality is not something to brush off. If a grocery store or Walmart... was closed and there was a serious disaster, how long could one expect before the doors were broken and people just emptied the place?
I initially wanted to sell all my stocks about a week before the start of this crash but held off. Thankfully, the market rebounded a bit and afforded me the chance to get out. Super happy I did, as it looks like it is continuing to slide down. Going to be interest nexr few weeks, new Congress, possible US budget freeze and for canada, continued slide in oil price/ the only real money maker canada has.
Are we at a new phase in an economic collapse? One can see that there are also struggles going on with governments and what some call the swamp or elites. None of what I am saying should be construed as a political statement so please don’t beat on me. Just standing back and trying to read the tea leaves as it may affect me and all of us.
Right now, I would say, we are in dangerous waters when it comes to governments, both personal and gov debt, China and to a small extent Russia looking to expand, Europe is a mess with immigration issues and is battling internal debt issues. Canada is awash in debt and is beholding to exports to the US, so if the US economy tanks, there goes what is left of ours.
I hate predicting things because I know that things can change. Sometimes the trigger isn’t pulled or taken advantage of and it delays things. Triggers or events are often very much planned in advance and are a very real practice and it’s all about timing.
We have also noted on this board how crops are acting weird, how governments can’t even muster a minimum in money to help areas damaged by natural events, or wish to deal truthfully with gang violence in our major cities, but instead wish to confiscate legal guns, how there appears to be a disconnect with people’s sense of reality etc
I really do not have a good feel for 2019 economy and governance of what passes for free nations and its people. I sure hope I am wrong.
So for me, prepping is going to get ramped up over the coming months, going to be doing a number of reviews on my readiness, likely get materials ready for a greenhouse build in the spring, starting g to acquire more solar system components and will be needing help from peppercorn, farmgal and others on fine details. This board is a great source of intel on a wide range of subjects and I thank one and all.
Please do not take above as a political statement, it’s simply a step back type observation or trying to read the tea leaves. Kept me alive and prosperous so far, I ain’t changing 🙂
Market seems to be continuing the slide. Keeps up, I would expect layoffs in New Years.
Just doesn’t have a good smell to it and For me it doesn’t smell like all the other recessions I have witnessed. We have very low confidence in political leaders, increased surveillance, and privacy breach’s. Failing infrastructure we can’t afford to fix, increased private and public debt and upcoming A.I. To further reduce need for human labor
Forecast is for 3-10 % increase in next years fruits and vegetables.
Lot of stuff going on
I agree lots of stuff going on, I do have retirement funds in stocks but don't really care...my real investments are my ability to live with little (real) need for fiat currency. Got to keep the property taxes paid of course, beyond that I can bob and weave my way through most anything....Clarence I thought you had great confidence in the Orange Jesus making America something, something, are you losing faith 😀
Give a man a gun, and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank, and he can rob the world.
I dont view this with too much concern....the real fun begins when
US interest rates are pressured upwards not by internal forces but by forien actions negating demand for US dollars. That is happening now but only begining. Thats when the empire will lash about with great fury.
Give a man a gun, and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank, and he can rob the world.
I agree lots of stuff going on, I do have retirement funds in stocks but don't really care...my real investments are my ability to live with little (real) need for fiat currency. Got to keep the property taxes paid of course, beyond that I can bob and weave my way through most anything....Clarence I thought you had great confidence in the Orange Jesus making America something, something, are you losing faith 😀
The orange Jesus, good lord your a hoot.
Well I did hope that people would wake up to the many cons being played by uniparty. It appears, that the swamp is indeed beating the little guy. Shame. Even if the orange Jesus was for real, I knew he or anyone wishing to change things would be fighting a monster. Monster is winning.
Yeppers, need cash for taxes and stuff but the less dependent one is, the better
I dont view this with too much concern....the real fun begins when
US interest rates are pressured upwards not by internal forces but by forien actions negating demand for US dollars. That is happening now but only begining. Thats when the empire will lash about with great fury.
Oh agree, interest rates will kill off so many individuals, towns, cities, provinces and of course feds. The amount of bankruptcies will as my orange Jesus says, “ be huuggee”
many triggers for swamp to pull, but if planning the op, this one would be my choice. You can accomplish so many things when people are poor.
Stock market is an excellent tool as well. Wipes out pension funds, so even if you still have a job, your future freedoms are curtailed. All the government pensions are in peril as well.
To have a 1929 depression now would be significantly different then first one. Few are growing their own food or have a wood stove to heat with. We could look like Russia did in the 80’s
The orange Jesus, good lord your a hoot.
Read it somewhere else, it just stuck in my head.
All you can do about any financial turbulence is reduce your need for fiat currency and stay away from debt as best you can.
Give a man a gun, and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank, and he can rob the world.
The orange Jesus, good lord your a hoot.
Read it somewhere else, it just stuck in my head.
All you can do about any financial turbulence is reduce your need for fiat currency and stay away from debt as best you can.
You got that right. That said, good people live good lives and they get shafted by greedy individuals and politicians. I don’t like that and it really rubs me the wrong way.
But yes, no debt and have as many options as you can is ideal.
Even though I said "the real fun begins when
US interest rates are pressured upwards not by internal forces but by foreign actions negating demand for US dollars." I don't see that as a single event, rather it becoming cumulative over time (years).
I in fact don't even see these stock market oscillation as a serious indicator of anything....Stocks, Mutual funds, the whole financial "industry" as its come to be, is in my opinion so far removed from reality I don't care one bit if its up, down or sideways..it gives economist and reporters something to talk about on a slow news day.
Reality to me is...does my toilet flush, do I have wood for the stove..its a simple life
Give a man a gun, and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank, and he can rob the world.
Sooner or later it will go down hill. If you look at history the USA is going down. Reason for it is all about the dollar. Just a matter of time and when they call on the payment and you can't pay. Then comes to we will take this or that as payment. If you really think about it. If it wasn't for USA with all the nukes that they have allot off would be totally different. They kept Russia in control to a point. But with the change going on around the world. NATO a joke. It's only a matter of time that shtf will happen. USA doesn't have the funding to cover what they owe. Most countries don't. But I'm sure the USA will put up a fight before they bow down to any one calling on the debt. So war will happen and depending on who backs the USA will depend on the outcome of the world. Due to the major players with nukes. So that basically some up. Japan, Russia and USA few other minor others in with nukes. China with Kim fucker I could see him pushing the button. Because he is mad do to everyone is taller than him lmfao or it could be that they have a better hair cut then he does. Lol.
Even though I said "the real fun begins when
US interest rates are pressured upwards not by internal forces but by foreign actions negating demand for US dollars." I don't see that as a single event, rather it becoming cumulative over time (years).
I in fact don't even see these stock market oscillation as a serious indicator of anything....Stocks, Mutual funds, the whole financial "industry" as its come to be, is in my opinion so far removed from reality I don't care one bit if its up, down or sideways..it gives economist and reporters something to talk about on a slow news day.Reality to me is...does my toilet flush, do I have wood for the stove..its a simple life
I agree with your last statement about life being simple as one makes it. Very true. However, while one can go live in the bush, civilization or the lack of it, will eventually find you. As this site isn’t political, I like to keep my input focused on possible impacts / reading of threats and risk, or tools or options on what we can do to improve our positions.
I have Stocks, I like comfort and also living rough, I want to see my family remain free and safe, I do not want gov getting in my face, yet I live and work in the center of our gov ( go figure) As people who like to prepare for various emergencies, we must be aware of what is evolving around us and factor into our plans. One may hate or love various groups, ways of life, Beleive in or not in global warming and all the issues both real or BS being floated and pushed by benign or sinister minded entities. So yes, a flushing toilet and wood in the stove is what we all shoot for, yet we must remain in the real and current world. If not for its advancement, then to read the tea leaves for impact to us. I hope we never get to a shtf situation. As a means to help people better understand their situation and all the BS lies etc,
We need to stay engaged, be vocal and not just hide or prep. Of course, this doesn’t mean telling everyone what we have in preps, but I beleive by being engaged , we help others and ourselves. The old saying. Pray for peace, but plan for war, is a pretty good plan
I find this market drop funny as hell, note that the man who took credit for its rise dosnt take responsibility for its fall. For those still playing casino capitalism, it looks like there is a good buying opportunity!
Give a man a gun, and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank, and he can rob the world.
I find this market drop funny as hell, note that the man who took credit for its rise dosnt take responsibility for its fall. For those still playing casino capitalism, it looks like there is a good buying opportunity!
Yah, there’s not the normal feel of just economy being involved. The social confrontations, both real or made up to disrupt are playing a bigger part in the conversation.
From a preppier perspective, this is a dynamic that needs to be watched.
Riots, or other social disrupters can accelerate or start a chain reaction that can spread fast.
For those living in or traveling in cities, this can be a big issue.
Fun times are ahead, it’s only a matter of severity
Looks like the slide continues, how far will she go and far more importantly, what will it translate into for average person trying to figure out how or what to prep for
Rise in Unemployment is one. This through reduced spending.
Higher interest rates mean, Higher mortgage rates/ more defaults.
Also means higher taxes as cities... look for more money to pay increased borrowing cost to fund existing debt and new debt they will need to fund welfare, supposed “ free healtcare”, schools for non existat jobs, all the government pensions and other addictions
Poverty equates to higher crime
Higher crime makes us all a target
Fun stuff to try and plan for. All of which segways into what one can realistically ( given ones current situation) logically plan for.
There some who plan for complete breakdown and envision us going back to near 1600’s existence
There is likely next class of preppier who plans for a Venezuela or 1970 type Russia breadline feel
Then there are varying sub degrees of those planning for anything from the government recommended, feel good pddly and in truth, what would of been considered a decade ago as a safe three day event. To those who feel comfortable with a weeks backup or maybe retreating to the cottage if an inner city flamed up due to some social outrage and mayhem.
One way or another, in any stressful economic situation, the first thing one would likely want to have is money for food, meds and lodging. So money for mortgage if any is a good thing to have a buffer for. This to prevent you from being kicked out of your home or even rented space. And then one goes into a big debate as to what else is a priority and the types of food... none of which needs to be covered here. For me anyways, the intent of this post is to raise awareness for impact on ones varying degree of preparations. Even in an inflationary situation, ones mortgadge is fixed. ( yes until renewal time) so if one had six months payments put away, it’s better than none!
Lots to pontificate upon. This for the three day or 1600’s lifestyle types.