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Where to meet after lights out EMP attack?

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Illustrious Member
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I'm new here, looking for information to join group. My wife is in denial but trying to get her prepped for inevitable EMP attack possibly coming this June 6th, 2016. Came across new information. US will strike itself causing a false flag terrorist attack and create massive EMP attack all over North America including much of Canada. I'm a 16 year independent researcher. We are a small family of 5 or 6. An elderly mother-in-law, my wife's mother who is 91. Her daughter 37 and son 35 with possibly an ex husband in his mid sixties, I'm 55. I pray the good lord takes her soon, peacefully because she will only slow us all down. I love her dearly but sacrifices need to be made. Preferably peacefully before the nightmare hits us all. We have no refuge, no out of city shelter, no weapons, no plans, nothing yet...
I can't wait for these in denial people to get their acts together any longer. With or without them, count me in! They are aware of what's coming yet still in denial.
Where do we meet before all lights go out? Is there a community already set up somewhere outside the major Montreal cities far from civilization? EMP radius can reach hundreds of miles. Last minute is not a good option. Major cities will be jammed with cars stuck, electronics fried from the EMP. I've watched survival zombie films where small communities work together to survive. Mentally prepared. Working on supplies now. Need some feedback. Thanks.

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When I saw the introduction post I was so happy that there was another Quebeker in the forum...then I saw this.
Normally, I would not have approved this post and hit the ban button, but I figured what the heck...let's post it and vet the info.
There have been so many false alarms in recent history in the prepper community (several by Alex Jones) that have never come to fruition...what makes this prediction any different?
Since you claim to have come across information, please share! What is the information, it's source, reliability?
I also have some concerns with your survival knowledge coming from zombie movies!
As I mentioned, normally this would not have passed the sniff test, but I figured I would let you try to substantiate your claims, so.....ball's in your court!

Illustrious Member
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Thank you Denob, I very much appreciate your trust and confidence in me as a new member. I hope this important information helps you all in your spiritual enlightenment. We are in 4D thanks to our Awakened consciousness soon entering into 5D or 5th dimension via the coming rapture at the moment of tribulation. Mathew 24:29 King James Bible...
Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened, and the moon shall not give her light, and the stars shall fall from heaven, and the powers of the heavens shall be shaken: Mathew 24:29 King James Bible

Wow...I prepared a list of very important need to know information, all lost...I should have saved it. So sorry. I'll make it short...this information is very relevant to this discussion to save our immortal souls in these final End Days! Please consider watching, sharing and learning from it. The Beast 666 Antichrist cashless money system is coming soon! Via tattoo or biometric microchip. NBC: RFID Implants - Microchip Everything 2017 - Mark Of The Beast 666

This next important video is also crucially important. It proves scientifically, 100% with scientific testing of Jesus dry blood, Jesus Christ the living son of man on earth was born of the virgin Mary, His mother with only 24 DNA chromozones where all of us are born with 46, one set of 23 chromozones X 2 from our mother and father. Jesus mother had 23 chromozones but His heavenly Father Almighty God had only one, a "Y" chromozone! A living spiritual chromozone. And Jesus 2000 year old blood became ALIVE AGAIN!

Watch this: Jesus' blood cells discovered: living, 24 chromosomes - 100% scientific proof, Jesus really existed, was crucified and died on the cross. Only He can save our souls after Tribulation begins. Longer version: DNA Test Confirms Jesus Is Son Of God: Ark Of Covenant Found!!

Finally, Google this: DARPA Technology Rise of the Machines - This is what's waiting for the Holocaust nuclear survivors after an EMP Nuclear attack on humanity!

Illustrious Member
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Forgot to mention and prove the existence of a possible Zombie Apocalypse also to follow in the Tribulation time...not to alarm anyone but to inform and to prepare for it. In case many are not taking this subject seriously as so many have laughed and scoffed, mocking it...including our own parliament members! Ignorant disbelieving Fools won't be laughing for long...Canadian Parliament Debates Zombie Apocalypse

US military has been actively experimenting with numerous deadly bioweapons like Zika, Ebola, Bird flu, H1N1 and Zombie Virus intended to be used on a global population: Rare fungal infection strikes Joplin tornado victims
By the CNN Wire Staff June 10, 2011 10:54 p.m. EDT

Zombie Drugs And Viruses Have Been Weaponized! We Are The Walking Dead - See also real actual news reports of zombie-like attacks, scroll down in link: Florida homeless man has face eaten!

CDC in US put out a WARNING: Here is that link: Office of Public Health Preparedness and Response

From CDC - Preparedness 101: Zombie Apocalypse
Public Affairs

Editor's Note: We wanted to share a blog post from our friends at the Centers for Disease Control. Preparing for a zombie attack, or other fictional disasters, can provide useful tips to get prepared for a real disaster. The following is an excerpt of the original blog post on the CDC Public Health Matters Blog May 16th, 2011 by Ali S. Khan.

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All the scripture you quoted has to do with post apocalyptic time, and not predicting it, which is impossible (Matthew 24:36).
According to the above verse, anyone claiming to know the date or time is lying (or at least very misled).
I used to just boot out the people who came here to regurgitate this stuff, but I thought I would take a different approach this time and see if I could convince you that all this stuff is just jibberish. I have never understood why those that claim to believe scripture buy into these predictions...If you truly believe, then go back to the basics and remind yourself that what they are claiming to know is not possible based on the very same book they claim to be referencing from.
Take heed that no man deceive you.
OK, so, you still haven't given any evidence of a possible EMP on June 6th.
I googled EMP June 6 2016, which would normally reveal all the fear monger sites reporting this, but instead I found nothing...interesting.
So, in order for you to make such a claim, you MUST have some juicy tidbit and I invite you for a second time to share it.
Please understand that I am not trying to put you down, but rather trying to make you see that all these predictions in the past have turned out to be bogus.
Preppers for the most part are rational people, preparing for realistic situations. The fear mongering, illuminati thumping, end of times spewing goofballs have been proven wrong time and time again...please, PLEASE, don't buy into this stuff!

Eminent Member
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All the scripture you quoted has to do with post apocalyptic time, and not predicting it, which is impossible (Matthew 24:36).
According to the above verse, anyone claiming to know the date or time is lying (or at least very misled).
I used to just boot out the people who came here to regurgitate this stuff, but I thought I would take a different approach this time and see if I could convince you that all this stuff is just jibberish. I have never understood why those that claim to believe scripture buy into these predictions...If you truly believe, then go back to the basics and remind yourself that what they are claiming to know is not possible based on the very same book they claim to be referencing from.
Take heed that no man deceive you.
OK, so, you still haven't given any evidence of a possible EMP on June 6th.
I googled EMP June 6 2016, which would normally reveal all the fear monger sites reporting this, but instead I found nothing...interesting.
So, in order for you to make such a claim, you MUST have some juicy tidbit and I invite you for a second time to share it.
Please understand that I am not trying to put you down, but rather trying to make you see that all these predictions in the past have turned out to be bogus.
Preppers for the most part are rational people, preparing for realistic situations. The fear mongering, illuminati thumping, end of times spewing goofballs have been proven wrong time and time again...please, PLEASE, don't buy into this stuff!

hello Denob you are right. all these quotes on the end of days and none of them have been proved so far please dont get me wrong as for all that is happening in our world these days I say yes something might happen soon or later. like i said in some message ( with all that is happening these days, the media miss information, our governments playing Russian roulette with each other some hoping and watching who will pull the triger first ,it takes only one Nobel prise winner (as i call them) to push a button and all hell breaks loose or a world economic crash witch is very possible these days . of curse i doubt very much they will use nukes as they destroy and contaminate everything , bacterial bombs e.m.p devices probably as both are negligible at rendering you helpless if they invade and take over but we will be the last to know if and when. no one can predict what will happen tomorrow or in a week from now, we all go day by day and hope for the best that nothing will go wrong and as for being peppered well its just common sense to me. you see if and i say if something happens we will be the last to know, the elite will be already out in their fall out shelter to asses the situation and control , medical police military will be the first to get the help food medical water and all of the above THE FIRST as they are needed to maintain law and order martial law if needed so help to you wont come quickly it might take days even weeks on depending were you live so people will have to survive some will be prepared some not , and those will have no mercy at taking what you have to survive and you will have to maybe do the unthinkable to keep them at bey protect your self family and survival equipment we all have to be rational about this so stay on the forum ask questions if you want we will be more then happy to help you but please dont believe all you see in these post apocalypses writers . yes i must say that our governments have been naughty at one time or another and have done some things to their own populations it as been seen in the past so they can pull red flags as they want but then again if they do they wont warn you in advance or give you a date and
it wont be on the 6 .O clock news thanks Mike Alpha 1

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The Antichrist Jesuit Illuminati beast system is biblical yet also a deception at the same time by the reptilian bloodline Luciferian psychopathic globalists to have humanity, 7.3 Billion people on earth, fully surrender to them as demi-gods, to microchip everyone, spiritually lobotomize, mind body and spirit, forcefully if necessary through the One World Federation government and mind control them and gain all their worldly possessions and money. TOTAL CONTROL! That's what the Illuminati one eye of Horus Pyramid symbol is all about. The very top Elites control the bottom, humanity. It's a the reptilian oligarchy of universal control of planets. Many who are not awakened or aware of this information may die a horrible persecution death. I choose to keep my faith in Jesus Christ as my savior and a small part in the Galactic Federation of Planets/ Light benevolent beings. The "Rapture" should happen after the Great Tribulation, polar shift Great 10.5 Earthquake if the ET's allow it...right now they're controlling Planet X or Nibiru's trail of comets...

Check this out Denob...Benevolent ET Andromedan Contactee Alex Collier says he was allowed to share some details about these extraterrestrials:

The Draconians are the force behind the repression of human populations everywhere in this galaxy, instilling fear-based belief systems and restrictive hierarchies. (...) they’re extremely clairvoyant and extremely clever, and they can also be extremely sinister.”


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And this is why we get a bad name in the public...

honestly, I do not know if you are playing or if you are just that far gone.. but either way.. all I can say is please get some help..

Illustrious Member
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Check this out...NASA gathers Scientists, historians, philosophers and theologians to prepare mankind for Extraterrestrial contact

Google, Youtube search it: NASA Scientists Preparing the World for (Try different words) Alien, ET, UFO Contact!

A lot of this information was talked about by the ET contactees. Here's a latest ET family triumph! Andromedan Message "THE FENCE IS DOWN!" Part 1 Published on 16 Jan 2016

These next 12 x (approx. 15 min vids), was put together to give YOU INSPIRING SOULS, some sort of UPDATE, on what's TRULY GOING ON...ON...&...OFF WORLD.




The information/ knowledge/ wisdom contained within this series is SO IMPORTANT, that I may have taken some liberties, getting this VITAL INFO to YOU, THE PEOPLE.

If you wish, check out the links below, for access to the original interviews, where this information was derived..

BIG SHOUT-OUT TO TANAATH, SUNFIRE and ALEX COLLIER for all your hard work...getting the word out, over the years. The financial hardships, the isolation, the ridicule, the threats on your lives and those of your families. You are absolute HEROES in my book.

Am EXTREMELY HAPPY that this first week of February 2016, I can finally afford to make a FINANCIAL CONTRIBUTION, A DONATION to ALEX COLLIER ... for all his HARD WORK OVER THE DECADES. THERE'S A LINK BELOW... DIRECT TO HIS WEBSITE.

Viva La Liberta!
Love Always

Rainbow Lightbeing
30th January 2016
by POT of GOLD. Subscribe for updates on Youtube

Illustrious Member
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And this is why we get a bad name in the public...

honestly, I do not know if you are playing or if you are just that far gone.. but either way.. all I can say is please get some help..

You think I would make all this up? What planet do you think we live on? This planet was owned way before any of us ever were conceived! It's time to OPEN OUR EYES and see the bigger picture...We are not alone, never were...things unfolding are controlled by Globalist psychopaths who kill billions for their own pleasures. You believe whatever you want. I'm far more advanced spiritually and with an open mind then many who still are i denial. FEMA Concentration Camps and Guillotines, think THAT'S NOT REAL EITHER? look IT UP!!!

Illustrious Member
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We need to snap out of this FEAR BASED brainwashed belief system we've been programmed, indoctrinated into! Wanna boot me out? Go for it, I could care less! I'm sharing my almost 20 years of investigative research with everyone who's open minded and spiritually awakened. If you want to stay brainwashed in this holographic mindset, it's your choice. Our Collective Beliefs MANIFESTS THE WORLD BEING CREATED! YES, scientists have proven the world is a HOLOGRAM! Look it up!!!

Are we living in a HOLOGRAM? For the first time, scientists prove strange theory could be true in 'realistic models' of our universe Read more:

Holographic principle suggests there is a 2D surface that we can't see
This surface contains all the information needed to describe 3D objects
Since 1997, equations used to show holographic principle could be true have been based on models that contradict theories about our universe
Now scientists have shown how it works in universe that is largely flat

By Ellie Zolfagharifard For

Published: 18:57 GMT, 27 April 2015 | Updated: 00:42 GMT, 28 April 2015

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Well, what can I say...I tried.
Since you seem to be completely convinced of this train of thought, you need to know that this forum is not the place for these discussions.
We are not int the conspiracy, spiritual end of times hocus pocus.
Scientists have proven that the world is a hologram?!?
Please seek professional help.
Sorry, but this is NOT the place for you.
edit: moving this to the fringe.

Reputable Member
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Posts: 401

Enough already.

Reputable Member
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Posts: 411

I think Surfmantango is a Poe.

A person who writes a parody of a Fundamentalist that is mistaken for the real thing. Due to Poe's Law, it is almost impossible to tell if a person is a Poe unless they admit to it.
"The Bible is true because it's the inerrant word of God! I know because the Bible says so! Glory!"

Is this guy serious? He's got to be a poe.
by BManx January 13, 2008

Needs must when the devil drives.

Eminent Member
Joined: 12 years ago
Posts: 31

And this is why we get a bad name in the public...

honestly, I do not know if you are playing or if you are just that far gone.. but either way.. all I can say is please get some help..

You think I would make all this up? What planet do you think we live on? This planet was owned way before any of us ever were conceived! It's time to OPEN OUR EYES and see the bigger picture...We are not alone, never were...things unfolding are controlled by Globalist psychopaths who kill billions for their own pleasures. You believe whatever you want. I'm far more advanced spiritually and with an open mind then many who still are i denial. FEMA Concentration Camps and Guillotines, think THAT'S NOT REAL EITHER? look IT UP!!!

You my friend need to seek some medical help .
For the sake of your family .

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