Antsy,Is the 3m a diy job? Any insight on cost? Scrounger,Every job is potentially a diy job 😀 That being said, I paid a window film company to d...
I've installed the 3m product commercially. In my experience, the product is only as good at the window mullions and door substrate that holds the gl...
Agreed, carbon in terms of wood & coal - since the dawn of fire. That will remain accessible (geography permitting).But beyond that, I don't see h...
How do we source carbon in the future? Are you kidding? Have you ever sat at a camp fire?We have been running a carbon based economy for as long as ...
Skillman,I can't tell you how sorry I am for your loss. Really bad things happen to good people and it hurts, and is awful. I've been saying for som...
Peppercorn,I hear what you're saying however I'm just not ready to start writing an obit' for the USA quite yet. I will grant that the political cult...
Peppercorn,For the most part I agree with everything you post. In this case, however, a couple of things jumped out at me as, "Oh no, Peppercorn has ...
Interesting perspectives...Wayne writes, " When SHTF..."Jonesy replys, "If SHTF..."My advice. Don't live in a US city the size of New Orleans, which i...
My opinion is, "Don't do it." That is, unless you have some information about the future that the rest of us don't. Now, if you are looking for a ho...
Every dealer needs a junkie We all love talking about the demise of the oil age as if there were a viable clean technology just waiting in the wings ...
T-shad,Your description sounds to me a little more like a lifestyle choice than an "experiment" on how you would handle a bug out situation. That is ...
Peppercorn,I agree with your assessment regarding the oil and gas industry. With respect to thermodynamics in general and the concept of entropy in p...
What's the potential threat from south of Calgary ? Lethbians... The crazed citizens of Lethbridge
In answer to your question... NOThe average life expectancy for a male child born in the UK between 1276 and 1300 was 31.3 years. In 1998, it is 76. H...
I appreciate the posts and your observations. We are 'year one' into the same exercise in Antigonish County.I've noted a lot of gardening, however no...