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I am your worst nightmare

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LOL Single cell you have obviously never had combat happen nothing is quick when it comes to killing if you die fast that is a good thing. Most people here could not make a kill shot in a drag out gun fight it will be messy lots of bleed out the smell of iron and cordite in the air whimpering, crying and the smell of piss and shit. It not hollywood there are no "heros" other than hero complexes that get others dead. morals and how things work now dont work when SHFT look at any refugee camp you know why all the things you say you dont do happens to them because they are women and children and the old with no way to defend themselves. The people who have sense of entitlement will entitle themselves to you and yours feel like sharing food wife kids?

You are protecting yourself from predators like no other smart fast relentless, unlike most other species we kill each other, in horrible ways. After doing the killing no matter how justified you will have to PAY emotional damage FOR AS LONG AS YOU LIVE. Ask your self what is worth fighting dieing for?

Then send your wife kids family to die for that and see if that changes how you view what is worth dieing for.. yeah not same list is it......

If you lose you fuel food or shelter you will do one of two things either kill someone and take theirs or die. no second choice. if you go back and attack those who have your stuff same as killing someone else with stuff after all is not possession 9/10 of the law? This stupid notion people have they can live off the land like a cave man is ludicrous at best even with skills with a flint knife in a gun fight you will go the way of the neanderthal.

aarron can you see 500m? guy hiding in bush with rifle think you can escape that one shot at time as your family dies? gonna take the body ? they will eat it if hungry enough.

You think people looting in war give a crap about more than filling belly for now? I can tell you have never reached that lvl of desperation, i wish it on no one but when it is all you think about food or water you dont fucken care how you get it.
I have seen people drink sewage run off to slake thirst even knowing it would kill them. if you dont believe me do a 10 km hike and dont drink one drop of water and try not to run to first water at end and drink too fast so you dont puke.

yeah hide in bush first fire you light first fuck up by a member of your group first time you need to sleep they will find you 1.3 million in gvrd alot of blind leading blind but even so they have the numbers to tilt the odds that they will find you.

the reason they will steal from preppers is only game left in town after day 14. grocery stores have 2 days in stock 99% visible to patrons most are too dumb to know where the warehouses for distribution are in their city which is on a 4 day cycle. so what eat pets day 8-9 then what what little spca wildlife you can get at day 14 no resupply you are only game in town now what?

Arron how much can you carry with you not enough ever so you are running away to no where to no resupply and hope your skills are good enough and gambling your families life on it? How many others are in same boat? It is a bad situation if you dont have place to go with supplies you are basically doomed. add to that no gun yeah that sounds like recipe for disaster. even an empty gun scares two people person using person having it pointed at them. You think skills will get you into community? lets think two adults dog 2 kids so you have 2 eaters with little to no return with two skilled people or they could choose the other desperate hungry liars who come one mouth to feed one set of skill instead of 2 mouths one skill? who do you choose to get most for your community?

Do the math it is ugly. Why do you think old people and kids under 10 have a 80% mortality rate in any wars that last for more than 1 year?

If you are not stocking enough with you to feed and plan on a garden without ability to defend well really does more need to be said about your survival chance?

You can drive enough food for a winter in car how are you going to on foot? on bike? in canoe? you simply cant and you are fooling yourself.

Yeah you sound like a wise combat veteran, definitely not some trolling 13 year old playing too much battlefield. I'm sure we should all heed your experienced and ultimately vulgar words.

I was referring to killing someone quickly if you have them captured. I speak of clinging to certain morals in the face of total barbarism. Are you capable of making a point without writing three pages of nonsense? If so, I might actually read your post.

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Just got caught up, be glad it was Denob that got first, because Farmgal was not going to give week, she was banning.. Way out of line.. you can disagree, but that kind of lang, tone and over the top attack.. NO!

Moving on.. 🙂

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It's good to have someone like Namelus post give us an example of what kind of person you do NOT want in your group!

We're all here to share ideas not beat each other up because we aren't prepping the way someone thinks we should. I prep for when the earthquake hits the lower mainland and the food supply is cut off to the interior. Any other SHTF and being a female on my own at my age I know my time will be short. I just hope what I have prepared will help my kids and grand kids survive.

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It's good to have someone like Namelus post give us an example of what kind of person you do NOT want in your group!

We're all here to share ideas not beat each other up because we aren't prepping the way someone thinks we should. I prep for when the earthquake hits the lower mainland and the food supply is cut off to the interior. Any other SHTF and being a female on my own at my age I know my time will be short. I just hope what I have prepared will help my kids and grand kids survive.

Exactly, this type of person could potentially be "your worst nightmare". This type of person you'd have to incarcerate and decide what to do with them, because ultimately he's a very destructive person to have around, and if you kicked him out "as someone that has been in combat" he would probably round up with other people like him, tell the others your location, and then you'd have big problems.

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Oki folks, not sure it's worth ganging up and beating the guy already dropped by Denob...

Interestingly enough though, this reminds me of a character in the info-novel "lights out". Those of you who have read it will know who I'm talking about. If you haven't, get it!!

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Speaking of movies or novels, something along the line of " your worst nightmare " can be seen in the movie " The Divide (2011) ".

From imdb review

"Survivors of a nuclear attack are grouped together for days in the basement of their apartment building, where fear and dwindling supplies wear away at their dynamic."

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Don't forget Stephen King's "The Mist" 😉 Nightmares may vary.

Illustrious Member
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Speaking of movies or novels, something along the line of " your worst nightmare " can be seen in the movie " The Divide (2011) ".

From imdb review

"Survivors of a nuclear attack are grouped together for days in the basement of their apartment building, where fear and dwindling supplies wear away at their dynamic."

just what I want to show the wife(or not) 🙄

She flies up north 3-4 times a year in the middle of nowhere with co-workers who are also part time trappers. Each time they board the chopper, one always tells the others this same thing... "If we crash, I just want you to know that I will eat all of you"!

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Hopefully, it is only one leg at a time. Quality people are hard to find in the bush. <---- joke


You've Got To Be Tough, If You're Going To Be Stupid.

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Whatever tomorrow brings,… I will be there! 😉

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I wonder how many people die each year during even a minor crisis because others believed that what Hollywood presents in a drama is the only way events can possibly play out. I didn't watch the show but checked out the trailer to see the plot. Do they even try to leave their little prison? Hollywood likes to limit the # of sets to keep the costs down! I try not to watch anything that dwells on terror and such as it's not my thing. And before you respond stupidly to that, after being both a cop and driving ambulance, I feel I have a pretty good idea of what people are capable of!

At this point I envision your about to do that "were all gonna die" scene in Aliens 1or 2, ya that one!

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Whatever tomorrow brings,… I will be there! 😉

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Screedcrete, are you referring to the Divide or the Mist movie ? I've not seen the mist movie

But found the Divide very disturbing and could see it progress like that.

Knuckle, if you watch the Divide, you won't want to live in a Bunker with unknown people , LOL

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The Mist differs from The Divide somewhat but is no less likely I think. The Mist deals more with people in a fearful situation turning to religious extremism overnight. Hilarity ensues.

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any one of ever consider that maybe you will be someone else worst nightmare ? 😉

after all, civilization law and rule only base upon full belly. Perhaps you are the one who will turn into someone else's worst nightmare.

by the way, I really enjoy this British Doomsday novel " School is out forever "

very well written

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