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Another Act of Terrorism.

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Illustrious Member
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Yet another despicable act of terrorism in the UK. A man, a soldier, was hacked to death on a street in London by two Islamists. What an awful event, my thoughts are with the family of the poor victim. .

The perpetrators may describe themselves as Islamists but they should be seen for what they are, delusional murderous scum and should be dealt with accordingly.

Illustrious Member
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ICRCC stated...."The perpetrators may describe themselves as Islamists but they should be seen for what they are, delusional murderous scum and should be dealt with accordingly."
These terms are synonymous with one another.

MAKE NO MISTAKE. Forget your Liberal brainwashing and the crap espoused by the lamestream media. The West is AT WAR with the political ideology of Islam and things are only beginning. The more they are allowed to infiltrate and subvert our culture for their own purposes the more at risk we are. This IS NOT about 'tolerance' or acceptance or cultural diversity. This is about the survival of our countries, our culture and our way of life. People in the West need to get their heads out of their asses and begin to see it for what it is and address it before they are overwhelmed by the over 1,000,000,000 Muslims. In EVERY country they emigrate to they are a scourge of crime, form ghettos that make no effort to assimilate into the existing culture and become a disproportionate drain on the social welfare system. BE AWARE AND TREAT THEM ACCORDINGLY.


Illustrious Member
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From an MSN news article about this event...

"In a statement, Assistant Commissioner Simon Byrne said police were on the scene nine minutes after receiving the first emergency call. Once it became clear that firearms were involved, firearms officers were called and arrived 14 minutes after the first call to police, he said."

Yup... another clear example that When seconds count the police are only minutes away.

Deepest and sincere condolences to the family, friends and colleagues of the victim. RIP.


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In EVERY country they emigrate to they are a scourge of crime, form ghettos that make no effort to assimilate into the existing culture and become a disproportionate drain on the social welfare system. BE AWARE AND TREAT THEM ACCORDINGLY.

That's strange. I have 60+ friends who are Islamists. They don't push their beliefs on to others, or single out people based on their religion, or believe they are at war with anyone based on political ideology. I'm having a BBQ with three of them right now.

Hate speech and discrimination seems to be the same on both sides of the 'war', it seems.

The key to harmony really seems to be education, and I'm not suggesting only the third world Muslims for that.

Illustrious Member
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In EVERY country they emigrate to they are a scourge of crime, form ghettos that make no effort to assimilate into the existing culture and become a disproportionate drain on the social welfare system. BE AWARE AND TREAT THEM ACCORDINGLY.

That's strange. I have 60+ friends who are Islamists. They don't push their beliefs on to others, or single out people based on their religion, or believe they are at war with anyone based on political ideology. I'm having a BBQ with three of them right now.

Hate speech and discrimination seems to be the same on both sides of the 'war', it seems.

The key to harmony really seems to be education, and I'm not suggesting only the third world Muslims for that.

I am happy that you get along so well with Islamists. I am sure they don't push their religious beliefs onto others. They only make it an offense worthy of killing or maiming within their own religion if one chooses to convert to another religion. They also feel it is within their rights as men to impose their will upon women and children in their religion and culture... again on pain of death. You cannot refute the numerous events of "honor killings" as well as intimidation and physical assault to enforce their beliefs within this country alone. Nor can you refute the number of rapes and assaults by Muslim males on white women the recent events in Toronto where 3 Muslim brothers took a 22 year old woman to an underground garage and sexually assaulted her numerous times before being arrested IN THE ACT !!! The stating of fact is not "hate" nor "discrimination". It is simply a statement of fact. Your need to use the Liberal labels to attempt to discredit my argument is typical. I am pleased you have so many Islamist "friends"...60 you say... most people are lucky to have 5 true friends... the rest are acquaintances.


Illustrious Member
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Statistics from Denmark..

* Living on the dole: Third-world immigrants - most of them Muslims from countries such as Turkey, Somalia, Pakistan, Lebanon and Iraq - constitute 5 percent of the population but consume upwards of 40 percent of the welfare spending.

* Engaging in crime: Muslims are only 4 percent of Denmark's 5.4 million people but make up a majority of the country's convicted rapists, an especially combustible issue given that practically all the female victims are non-Muslim. Similar, if lesser, disproportions are found in other crimes.

* Self-imposed isolation: Over time, as Muslim immigrants increase in numbers, they wish less to mix with the indigenous population. A recent survey finds that only 5 percent of young Muslim immigrants would readily marry a Dane.

* Importing unacceptable customs: Forced marriages - promising a newborn daughter in Denmark to a male cousin in the home country, then compelling her to marry him, sometimes on pain of death - are one problem.

Another is threats to kill Muslims who convert out of Islam. One Kurdish convert to Christianity, who went public to explain why she had changed religion, felt the need to hide her face and conceal her identity, fearing for her life.

* Seeking Islamic law: Muslim leaders openly declare their goal of introducing Islamic law once Denmark's Muslim population grows large enough - a not-that-remote prospect. If present trends persist, one sociologist estimates, every third inhabitant of Denmark in 40 years will be Muslim.

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Well JAB..... Watch out for the white guys... They're killers too... Oh Yup don't forget the asians, blacks, whites and reads and whatever other colour I missed. RabbitTeeth has it right in his comments, You sound like you are standing with your racist buddies... Good luck with that. I congratulate you though on being able to make it this far in your life with such a narrow pinhole view of the world. What a load of crap you spew!

Illustrious Member
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Again I will say... address the message and the facts...not the messenger. I see no rebuttal to what I have said... just rhetoric against me personally.

Since you call me a racist allow me to enlighten you. There are 3 major races in the world... Caucasian, Mongolian and Negroid. I clearly made no comments related to any of these groups. I respect and have many friends from all of these groups. I harbor no animosity or ill will to anyone who descends from any of them. The issue at hand is a religion. Islam is a religion. It is NOT a race. It is easy to throw out the race card and attempt to belittle someone with political correctness and a Holier than thou attitude. Sadly there are just as many zealots in every religion. The reality though is that Islam is the one that openly and aggressively threatens and acts on threats of violence to the point of death. Please correct me if I am wrong but I missed the news article related to the Christian group who took over the hotel complex in Minnesota and murdered over 100 innocent guests. I also missed the story where the Buddhist terrorist cell set off bombs in the subway to murder innocent commuters. I eagerly await your rebuttal.


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I suppose we'll choose to ignore the 30+ daily deaths in Mexico from the drug cartels, since they aren't primarily targeting white guys. That doesn't concern us. 60,000 deaths in just under 6 years.

When a gunman shoots up an elementary school, and he isn't Muslim, then he was probably just "mentally ill", but if a Muslim man kills a white dude, then he is a fundamentalist. I see where this is going.

It's very similar in the exact rhetoric as those who used to say that someone was "hard-working" when he was a rich Arian, and a "thief" if he was a rich Jew.

Slow driver in the fast lane? If he's white, then he was probably not paying attention. If he was of coloured descent? "Bloody immigrants."

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Nor can you refute the number of rapes and assaults by Muslim males on white women the recent events in Toronto where 3 Muslim brothers took a 22 year old woman to an underground garage and sexually assaulted her numerous times before being arrested IN THE ACT !!!

Wow, I didn't realize that it was only Muslim males who raped white women. White men would never do such a thing, right?

Man... and all those stories that I heard in Vietnam, Japan, and even Afghanistan about white American soldiers... those must have been told to me by complete liars. Only Muslims do that sort of thing. 🙄

Illustrious Member
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It is true that there are two sides to every story and we need to keep in perspective when discussing sensitive issues. The despicable act of terrorism that spawned this post was driven by a political ideology connected to a radical religious view. It had nothing to do with race. It had everything to do with religion and political ideology.

The vast majority of Muslims are peace loving people, period. There is a group within Muslims who wish to blend both politics and religion. This group are generally referred to as Islamists. The Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt for example is Islamist (so are Al Qaeda). What are generally termed Radical Islamists are the problem because of the steps they are prepared to take to archive their goal (Al Qaeda and the like). I have a friend who is a Muslim. He is not an Islamist; in fact if he was I would be worried as Sharia law is not appropriate in Canada.

Again there are two sides to every story. When a member makes a post or responds to a post using factual information how does that become a hate speech? How does that become discrimination? You may well disagree with the information presented. If so, present some facts to the contrary, attack the data, do not attack the presenter. Do not resort to name calling. You might not like the information presented but do not reply by calling the presenter racist. Race was not even mentioned! Radical Islam is not a race it is a religious and political ideology it has followers from all races of all colours.

Have some respect for fellow members.

If you are basically ignorant of the situation and are not prepared to do the necessary background research it is probably better not to respond to the post.

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My mistake, by your definition, my friends are Muslim, not Islamist.

ICRCC, I believe you refuted the argument for me by agreeing that the vast majority of Muslims are a peace loving people. That in itself already contradicts JustABear's "statistics" post.

Hate speech is singling out a segment of society based on their beliefs, regardless if they may or may not even be party to accusations being leveled against them. Announcing a broad sweeping statement against Islam is blatantly ignorant, as you can't say 1.5 billion Muslims are wreaking havoc on the earth at the moment. No, you're talking about 5, 10, or even 1,000 fundamentalists/terrorists. That is 0.00000066% of the total population of Muslims.

You asked for terrorist Buddhist and Christian groups. How far back did you want me to go? I could go way before the Spanish Inquisition. What country? I could fill pages worth of stuff just from Northern Ireland.

Buddhists and violence (by the way, I'm Buddhist):

Christians and terrorism (I was raised Christian):

What about the USA? Ku Klux Klan ring a bell? Nazi Germany was composed of 94% Christians. Is that fact too inconvenient that it shouldn't be linked? What about the fact that the country that has killed the most number of people in the last 80 years was the USA?

I picked this up from a Q&A website, but I can post all of the sources if you'd like. These are most of the people that the USA has killed in the last 75 years, not including the hundreds of thousands before dropping the nukes on Japan. We're looking at 10.4 million people. By comparison, the Holocaust killed about 6 million people.

1940s - nuked Japan.
Death toll: 145,000 to date in Nagasaki, 250,000 in Hiroshima

1947-49 - U.S. helps command extreme-right Greece party in Civil War.
Death toll: about 70,000 contributed by US-backed forces

1948-54 - CIA directs war against Huk Rebellion in Philippines.
Death toll: about 11,000

1950 - Independence movement crushed in Ponce, Puerto Rico
Death toll: conservative historians estimated about 8,000 peasants

1950-53 - Korean War
Death toll: about 1,776,000

1952 - CIA overthrows Democracy in Iran, installs Shah
Death toll: about 20,000

1954 - CIA directs invasion of Guatemala after new Democracy there nationalized U.S.-occupied lands
Death toll: about 140,000 missing and dead

1958 - In Lebanon, marine occupation against rebels
Death toll: about 2,000

1960-75+ - Vietnam War including Cambodia and Laos
Death toll: about 4,502,000 including civilians and resulting famines (conservative estimates)

1961 - Cuba's Bay of Pigs Invasion fails
Death toll: about 4,000

1963 - In Iraq, CIA organizes coup against President and agrees to back formerly exiled Saddam
Death toll: about 7,000 including civilians

1964 - In Panama, troops kill protesters against US-owned canal
Death toll: about 1,000

1965 - CIA assists Indonesian coup
Death toll: about 900,000

1966 - Troops and bombers threaten pro-communist parties in Dominican Republic
Death toll: about 3,000

1966-96 - Green berets in Guatemala against rebels, US backs pro-American forces in country until 1996
Death toll: about 200,000

1970 - Directs marine invasion of Oman
Death toll: about 2,000

1973 - CIA directs coup to oust elected Marxist president in Chile
Death toll: 30,000... 3,000 later disappeared under US-installed dictator

1976-92 - CIA assists South-African rebels in Angola
Death toll: median estimate at 550,000

1981-90 - CIA directs Contra invasions in Nicaragua
Death toll: median estimate at 30,000

1982-84 - Marines expel Lebanese rebels, aided by Israel
Death toll: 40,000

1987-88 - US intervenes for Iraq against Iran
Death toll: about 150,000 during time-frame, 100,000 during Desert Storm, 350,000 from resulting famine

1989 - US invades to oust CIA-installed Panamanian government gone rouge
Death toll: 2,000

1992-94 - US-led occupation of Somalia during civil war
Death toll: 50,000 in combat, 300,000 by starvation

2001+ - US Occupies Afghanistan
Death toll: 120,000 including civilians and combatants and resulting Opium Wars

2003+ - Iraqi War
Death toll: 665,000 also by starvation, displacement

TOTAL: 10,431,000

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My point that it is senseless, irrational and ignorant to single out a population based on their religion, especially if you don't fully understand the religion to begin with. I've read the Koran, and I can tell you just as clearly as an average Muslim guy would - it isn't a religion of violence.

The real problem is lack of education. Any idiot, regardless of race, religion or background, can be turned into a fundamentalist that serves the agenda of their state. Literacy is power. Suicide bombers who were intercepted/captured, and actually TAUGHT to read the Koran, realized the errors of their ways when they could read for themselves rather than rely on someone's word that they should go blow themselves up.

Estimable Member
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I made a post that was apparently deleted.
But I will say it again.
The racism, hatred, and ignorance expressed by some posters in this thread, is not what I joined this forum for.
This thread should be closed and deleted
The trolling in this thread has nothing to do with prepping, and is being condoned by the moderators who refuse to censor it, where they have been more than willing to condemn others to the "lunatic fringe".

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Well, having checked the log, there were no post that were deleted...sometimes the internet goblins just eat them.
As for the fringe area, to my knowledge, no moderator has ever referred to it as the "lunatic fringe".
If I am wrong on that point, please point it out to me.
Perhaps the original post should be re read.
I myself did not see it the way many seem to have.
Not all Islamists are extremists, but it is those extremists that we are at war with, well, definitely the US anyways...
I do not think that ICRCC meant to paint Islamists in a bad light, just those that are the extremists that would commit such horrible acts.
Making any sense? It's 5:45 AM and i have yet to have a cup of coffee, so I hope I am getting my point across.

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