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Martial Law by Association

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Martial Law (by Association) Is No Conspiracy Theory

Imagine this scenario.

An economic crisis develops and intensifies because of (insert reason) that causes (insert catastrophe) resulting in the substantial loss of peoples wealth. Smaller protests grow to include the general public. Bank holidays and food shortages cause panic and increasing protests lead the government to believe this economic crisis is real, on-going, and the protests are a threat to the continuation of the government status quo. The people have become lawless, they are in fact terrorists according to legislation, martial law is implemented in the US to protect the government from conflict or revolution. Facing the possibility of mass incarceration if they resist, people flee en masse to Canada overwhelming Canadian responses. The Canadian Parliament, through Bill C-36, ask for US military assistance to control a flood of US citizens fleeing north and requiring increasingly scarce Canadian resources. Not very likely right?

We are now on the verge of an unprecedented economic crisis, the governments have prepared for martial law. Have you?

I have researched happenings in this regard and introduce this topic so as you know what to expect and why, if you are ever confronted by US troops on Canadian soil, as it is a very likely possibility.

It is a fact that the Constitution of the United States can be suspended and Martial Law can be implemented at the stroke of a Presidential pen for any of several loosely defined emergencies.

It is a fact that the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has built internment camps adequate to house millions of people. Staffed and ready. It is also true that only 4% of FEMAs enormous budget has gone to actual disaster relief.

It is a fact that Fusion Centers under the control of Homeland Security collect every bit of digital and most other information on every US citizen. When does a Conspiracy Theory become fact? (This program was only aired once on the mainstream media before it was censored by the US government from any subsequent rebroadcast. (It can only be seen here, )

There is much evidence that the Fusion centers have categorized all US citizens into one of three groups (search online for FEMA red, blue, yellow lists)

Canadians need to realize that a post 9/11 paranoid Uncle Sam has taken, in the name of security, the very human rights he used to champion. Canadian citizens, our rights and our sovereignty are also included, swept along by the paranoia and resultant security doctrines.

A last piece of legislature that Jean Cretien signed before leaving was Bill C36. This Law does more than just align our military with USNorthCom. It makes Canadians subservient to Homeland Security, its methods, and raises very big questions about Canadian sovereignty and our privacy legislation. (Canada Anti Terrorism Act ,2001 Bill C-36) . Too bad, we were bullied.

Canadian preppers need to realize the clear and present danger of this possibility and consider this situation in their planning. The situation is more serious and has a higher probability of happening sooner than you think. Coming into play if the economic system failure deteriorates into civil unrest and if that unrest were to ever overcome police control.

Economic crisis is a trigger in all legislation. This is why the police seem brutal against protesters. Expect the alternative if police are ever overcome by protesters. It will happen quickly if they are. Getting the military to retreat afterwards is a function of the scale of the protests.

The plans are in place to use the military to control the populations of North America during any civil unrest. Already, in the US, you are seeing the military performing civil police duties. This surreptitious conditioning prepares the citizen to accept military control as only a terrorist would question it.

The words "Perimeter Security" should strike fear into every Canadian Prepper and patriot. This is nothing more than Homeland Security through US Northern Command taking control of Canadian sovereignty in the name of security. How?

The USA PATRIOT Act (Uniting and Strengthening America by Providing Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and Obstruct Terrorism) has little to do with being a true patriot and everything required to control said patriot. It includes Canada and Canadians.

The Department of Homeland Security is now the main operator of the PATRIOT Act and controls all military, coast guard, national guard and all civilian police, borders, infrastructure etc. The homeland military is stationed near Denver in the center of the nation under the auspices of US Northern Command (USNorthCom). US NorthCom now want to develop a "NORAD of the seas" and will, with or without Canada. This is the real reason for our latest ship building, was at least to have a say.

This is the perimeter of which they speak. ( ) It is a Canadian Department of Defense document that should be required reading for all Canadians and especially if one believes we are sovereign. Its area of influence includes Canada and Mexico. US forces do not operate under a foreign command when operating in any foreign country, even when asked in. It was touchy to get them to leave after they built the Alaskan Highway during War number two.

US legislation allows for a minimum 6 month period of martial law before Congress could debate any reversal. Easy to establish, but very hard to withdraw as there are no definitions regarding any "normal" to return to.

Governmental knowledge of this is kept closely held as knowledge by the public could degrade its effectiveness, if implemented. Mainstream Media moderators block any talk of this but You Tube is proving difficult, but not impossible, to control and censure by the government.

Preppers must recognize the possibility exists for an exceptional number of US citizens seeking to illegally leave the US and thus inundating Canada and needing our resources. Control of this will be ugly on both sides of the border. If we ever ask for US assistance with civil unrest (ours or theirs) do not be confrontational with US forces if you are interdicted by them in Canada. They are authorized to use deadly force if threatened in any way, and readily do so. Be humble, offer them apple pie and get away. Assume that the Fusion centers and CSIS share information and that in all likelihood Canadians are being, or already have been categorized. Assume that any digital transmission is being monitored. The military invented the Internet.

Be aware of financial and political signals that indicate either government is worried about its continuation and uses the term "continuing economic crisis". Remember that the border only exists for people and commerce, not for the military. Of course other red flags are hyperinflation, banks holidays, market crashes, infrastructure failure (the regular reasons), but this time it indeed seems different.

I am new to Canadian Preppers. A dual Can/Am citizen by accident of birth in the US. I grew up, lived, worked and retired in Canada. Willing to dialogue through this new thread if people remain civil. I truly believe that there is an imminent threat to Canada by invasion, in one way or another, from the South.

Americans freely admit that Canada exists at their pleasure. We are considered a protectorate of the US in their view. Canadians have been out manoeuvred in the name of security and most do not realize it. We in Canada, the same as US citizens, are in dire peril of the US military/industrial complex becoming self perpetuating. The defining moment would be the implementation of martial law. The military/industrial complex and increasingly the banking/political complex are entirely different entities than the US people. The marriage of these two complexes affects Canadians directly. The offspring, martial law, would be (fill in blank).

A very touchy subject indeed. Do not get mad at me, research it yourself but be warned that the further you get into this, the scarier it gets. I suggest intelligent diatribe and no US bashing tolerated. Of particular interest to me is methods to digitally vanish, underground railroads, barter networks and any methods other preppers have utilized in this regard.

online search terms
FEMA camps, Fusion centers, fema red blue yellow list, operation Garden Plot, Canada Anti Terrorist Act, martial law, economic crisis, USA Patriot Act

If you need a job (just joking)

Caution. Truth: ,

"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on" T. Jefferson

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A very interesting read.

Although much of what you outline sounds a bit 'Out There' much of it is sadly true.

I have had my share of experiences North of the border with U.S. Homeland security and their Patriot Act and can atest to their activities in Canada. Our Two Militaries, Governments and economies are much more intertwined then most realize.

But also realize that Homeland Security and/or CSIS are obviously monitoring Survival and Prepper Forums and Web Sites carefully watching for groups or individuals that might cause them problems in a multitude of Scenerio's. I'd bet my life that some of the visitors to this site could be traced to Various Governmant Departments.

In a truely SHTF Scenerio where the North American Economies and/or Grids go down, National Borders will almost disappear, I think all Canadian's realize that and many of the threads on this Forum talk of expecting a Mass Migration of American's to Canada. As Canadians we prepare accordingly, not with American Fear mongering and Fire Power but with Canadian Dignity.

We know what to expect, we've seen it play out all over the world time and time again. It's not pretty but we'll make it through. When compared to a harsh Canadian winter, an American Civilian/Military incursion into Canada is really quite minor 😀


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Thank you, it is not the people I fear, we will need each other. It is the increasing military mentality of easily stepping into their own civilian realms, the police state, if you will. The last theater of operations available to them, if they have no money for overseas operations. It is interesting to note that legislation has included local militias in their definition of terrorists. Militias are guaranteed by their constitution. But the Constitution has been usurped in this hypothetical, but plausible, case. It is also known that the US forces commanders have questioned their troops if they would fire upon US citizens. One has to ask why? And what would happen to their career upon a yes or no answer? I do not care if they consider this old retiree a threat for issuing warnings in regard to liberty and freedom. The purpose is to be on watch for red flags that could usher in martial law. Once it is in, I fear, it is in. Over the top? Orwell had no idea.

"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on" T. Jefferson

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Harper signed on with the US today. We are no different. Everything mentioned above is now applicable to Canadians. As they go, we go. This blog has passed from education into reality. Sad, real sad, Canada was a nice place....once. Thanks Uncle.

"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on" T. Jefferson

Illustrious Member
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very sad now

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Alarming. I too, am American by birth but a long time landed immigrant in Canada.

This makes me wish I lived further from the border, but it's not possible for us right now. I find it fascinating how many more informed people are in the US, versus in Canada. There are a lot of movements that are no longer simply underground in the States and I haven't found a lot of sites in Canada regarding rebellion against the NWO.

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Thanks Daisy. The typical Canadian says" I don't know what apathy is and I don't care". Harper may realize what is going on but he is being bullied by the US military industrial political complex. Something the Americans do not realize, or have but not published, is that their military industrial complex has become self perpetuating. Watch their foreign policy interventions with this knowledge and it becomes apparent Not to mention their Presidential election campaigns. The American system is sick and in decline. There is one doctor, however, that seems to have the right medicine. We will see if the Americans are as informed as you say and have the constitution to follow their own Constitution after this next Presidential election. Daisy, realize that CSIS operates even more secretive in Canada than Homeland Security in the States. No one knows their scope here and cannot question it. Organizing makes you the target here. That is just beginning to be understood in the US. Those that say"I traded my gold for lead" and "lock and load" will be the first targeted (proceed to the red zone), this is the real patriot part of the PATRIOT Act. I hate acronyms, they hide the truth. They are using symbolism against us, maybe that is what preppers should do so we can identify with each other.

"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on" T. Jefferson

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Updates: One word of caution while browsing controversial You Tube videos that I noticed over the weekend. During the flashes on screen that happen quickly as the video boots up. Watch for the word "tracking" to flash by very quickly.
Another thing, the US is set to vote on S. 1867, the National Defense Authorization Act . Passage of this bill makes everyone in the world a potential terrorist including citizens of the US and Canada. Preppers in particular are defined as a potential terrorist as is anyone with more than 7 days supply of food and other typical prepper items (waterproof ammunition, match containers, night vision capability). Passage of this Bill will be the red flag marking the beginning of martial law whether you realize it, or refuse to. The Bill will be introduced Tuesday (tomorrow) Let us hope it is Vetoed.

"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on" T. Jefferson

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ALERT; The US National defence authorization act 2012 has passed into law. This designates the homeland (North America) a war zone with the military free to roam the civilian realm. This also makes all preppers terrorists by definition. (the detainee provisions passed with no changes).
Understand we have reached a crossroads. Tyranny starts now. Military personnel now simply have to declare you are, or could be a terrorist or enemy combatant. This will subject you to the Laws of War not the judicial system. No rights, indefinite incarceration with no formal charges, torture just because they suspect you are or could be a terrorist. It is a fact that now a survivalist prepper who is bunkered down not doing anything but surviving can be designated a terrorist or enemy combatant, attacked by the US military, taken to a detention facility and waterboarded until you admit it. If you do not believe me you haven't done your research.
Tyranny is defined as what is legal for the government is illegal for its citizens. One has to wonder what this will evolve into in regards to political partisanship (misuse could eliminate political opponents).
The military industrial complex in the USA has now become self perpetuating. Act accordingly with knowledge. Turn your dismay and sadness into stealth and do not be combative. Hope that the Phoenix that arises will resemble what their founding fathers envisioned in the first place. Satisfy yourself that this was accomplished in secret and foisted (misrepresented) to the Senate and Congress with only 7 dissenters voting against it.
Our future dreams must therefore be put on hold, once again. We all know that absolute power corrupts absolutely. Will it be different this time? Don't plan on it being different but rather, more intense than anything mankind has seen yet. Watch how protesters are dealt with from now on to gauge the mentality and progression of the military state. Martial Law is in place now and is laying low waiting until the coming economic crisis brings it to the surface. "Your papers please" Harper is now in Washington being forced to sign onto a new border security dictate. There is talk about replacing the Nexus card with an implanted microchip. The conspiracy theories have simply become conspiracies. Hope you are prepared, the time is nigh to kick your plans into gear. If Harper signs on, assume the Fusion centres will be monitoring these sites if they aren't already. This may be my last post, good luck and godspeed. A few words of advice ; The USA and Canada have evolved into something you may not recognize. They are not the same as they were prior to 9/11. Do not assume they are.

"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on" T. Jefferson

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Bad Christmas present. The red flag I identified above has flown. This was mistakenly posted to the internet and was available for about 1 hour before it was removed. It was from a dot gov website. . All of us should praise Joe Joseph's courage as we watch what he has to say. You need to watch it (all 3 segments). It is apparent the internet has increased the dissemination of knowledge enough to have the NWO push up their timetable for implementation. It has been done without needing an official declaration of martial law. I just hope things hold together long enough to complete the Nov election. We have only one last slim hope if they do elect Dr Paul. It is surely over if they do not. In any case we are past the end of the beginning, I hope it is not the beginning of the end. One thing for sure, it isn't going to be the same as it was. I hope you are awake now and enjoy the gifts this Christmas. Next Christmas we may be glad just to put food on the table. In conclusion this is the red flag I warned about above regarding the continuation of government. It is in place and the Pentagon yesterday requested the authority for the deployment of 400,000 troops into the USA. North Dakota ranchers in a dispute over cattle had predator drones deployed over it. I have never said Happy New Year with such conviction, but I mean it and hope it will be and that we can all say I was out to lunch.
PS If anyone gets their hands on one of the blue force tranponders you will have something very valuable, keep it safe, get it copied and give it away to as many people as you can

"When you reach the end of your rope, tie a knot in it and hang on" T. Jefferson

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Interesting topic. Let's see how the presidential election goes.....

As for tyranny, that was orchestrated and played out on 11 Sep 2001. Martial law would be the next logical step. America stopped being free on 12 Sep 2001. Canada has had its collective freedom reduced yearly since the end of WW II. A total disrespect for the Veterns would bled the world over to keep Canada and her allies free. It is very good the Veterans of the Great War are all dead, they would be totally disgusted with their elected representatives in Ottawa. The purpose of free people and free countries is to ensure that freedom is not lost to corrupt governments and to help suppressed nations become free.

Just my 2 cents,


Illustrious Member
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Well said GC!

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There is much comparison between Weimar Germany and the US regarding economic and political effects as well as the possible implimentation of martial law. I think one thing to consider and that will be a profound difference is the difference of societal "norms" between the two. Yes it is possible that the US Government is preparing for martial law and civil war but the American population will not in ANY WAY be an easy takedown. They are already too well armed and too aware. Just my 2 cents.

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