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This is what grocery shopping looks like SHTF!

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People still had hospital gowns on! People risking jail over bananas! What do you think their going to do to you if you get their way? Food storage avoids all this. Prepare now before the next major storm has you running to the store.

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I appreciate your postings Protector, but I'd appreciate them more if you didn't post them to a site that requires me to register first, before they can be seen...

None you improvise, one (or more) is luxury.

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I appreciate your postings Protector, but I'd appreciate them more if you didn't post them to a site that requires me to register first, before they can be seen...

I admit it seems that way but just click on left upper menu bar; go to all activity and click on what you want to see!

You can also go to the menu bar and click clubs. My club is Homestead Outpost! Scroll and see all my farm pictures and posts on MAG'S/ homesteading and the like.

I've seen the video with my work phone so I know it works but if you need some more help let me know. This other site is based on community/ MAG's! So I really hope it takes off. Plus it puts all my content in one place and it's easy for people to find it. Not buried by date. BBM won't let me see pictures/ attachments or videos anymore even though I have a BBM phone. I had an iphone4 and it worked just fine. IPN's really cool too but theirs nobody from my area so I'm branching out. I have the beginnings of a MAG but we don't have as many potential members as most people recommend. Strive for the best you can get.

I've contacted the owner to let him know people are having a hard time navigating the site. Your not the first one so hopefully it gets fixed soon

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What am I missing? It looks like a bunch of people who looted a restaurant or something? Mob mentality. Not sure what the cause or context is. Can you explain where and what happened here?

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well I wasn't impressed with the site the first time you posted a link to that site (do to layout),but whatever, I am sure I have linked to something that hasn't interested others. This being your 3rd or 4th time, I quess you really want it looked at, so be it. I gave it a more thorough smell test......ah the sweet and foul stench of genuine Naugahyde, and the influence of the Premier/Supream affiliate marketer Paul (flog this for me) Weaton.
I know all I need to know now. Oh wait a miute...more incoming....Wait for a picture.

Give a man a gun, and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank, and he can rob the world.

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It looks staged to me. Lots of people go in prepared (hammer in-hand), cooperate with one another, take food and leave. The place is completely empty at one point and seconds later people start reentering to take more food. Look at the time clock...

None you improvise, one (or more) is luxury.

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Protector I am just going to cut to the chase and ask you if you make coin for directing people to that site? I ask because it looks like posters to that site (you) and those who respond to questions can make coin. I don't really think your taking money for doing so but I am asking just the same. Here is a picture (one of them) of dialog indicating the affiliation to Paul, the master of flog this for a cut Weaton(see his mug) and Josiah, site operator. Observe the statement that money can be made by posting.

Give a man a gun, and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank, and he can rob the world.

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Protector I am just going to cut to the chase and ask you if you make coin for directing people to that site? I ask because it looks like posters to that site (you) and those who respond to questions can make coin. I don't really think your taking money for doing so but I am asking just the same. Here is a picture (one of them) of dialog indicating the affiliation to Paul, the master of flog this for a cut Weaton(see his mug) and Josiah, site operator. Observe the statement that money can be made by posting.

If your asking me that question; You don't know me at all. $ money can be made by tipping the one that posted. Since people want everything for free now how much do you think anyone makes. Even if someone made $ which I doubt anyone ever has. Good for them!

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Well actually money is made many ways. In Several places on that site direct advertising for Paul weatons book promotions and adverts selected by Pauls business associate (site operator) Josiah, for such things as Pauls gardening DVDs, Mike Oehler's underground green house(such BS), Pauls Solar dehydrator plans...etc... I am wondering if he is having trouble flogging his merch on his own site.
Anything for a sale. He does at least pay well if someone does buy something. He can afford to as over priced hype has good margines as shown below.

only a tiny partial list of whats pushed and what it pays if you play along!

Protector .."now how much do you think anyone makes. Even if someone made $ which I doubt anyone ever has."

I don't really have to guess, I know it looks to be 50 to 80% of sales is what I think Josiah will make as the affiliate, how he splits it up amongst those bringing him site visits I don't know.....yet.

Actually I don't think there is a real pay out yet, likely just the promise of one once a minimum number of members have been created. I am only speculating that. The site is to new...but I will keep my eye on it for amusement purposes.

Give a man a gun, and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank, and he can rob the world.

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Hmmm I get where the boy's are going with this.. I have to admit that I did go over to see your photos but I did so on the free stuff.. we can upload photos on this site as well. ( I know there is the sizing them down before factor).

Everyone on this thread tend to be great guys in adding helpful and thoughtful posts to the board.. I am going to gently ask that we slow down the linking though to the other site.. please

Can we find the same video to link direct to u-tube (which still gets its cut, I know I know) and or if it truly is the site to send folks to the odd time because that is where the more information belongs, at least talk more about what it is about.. I really have a hard time watching video's so most of the time on my data plan (slow rural) it means I just go.. ok.. and hope that maybe you guys will talk about what it is all about enough to grasp if there was something worth sharing.


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Staged or not, this wouldn't surprise me. Having lived in a hurricane prone area, I've seen the "white stuff" (milk, bread and eggs) completely cleaned off the shelves of grocery stores, along with batteries, flashlights and all. There was no violence or mob, but people were there with purpose. We've also all seen the chaos on US Black Fridays.

Honorable Member
Joined: 7 years ago
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Staged or not, this wouldn't surprise me. Having lived in a hurricane prone area, I've seen the "white stuff" (milk, bread and eggs) completely cleaned off the shelves of grocery stores, along with batteries, flashlights and all. There was no violence or mob, but people were there with purpose. We've also all seen the chaos on US Black Fridays.

Yes, I've seen more violence on Black Friday from people trying to grab a TV than this video depicting people 'breaking in' to acquire food...

None you improvise, one (or more) is luxury.

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This is the direct youtube link:

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