Tag: class=’george_hide_post_title’
Another TRU SDX Test – More Power!
CPN Forum Returns
Many of you have noticed that the forum was removed a few weeks ago. This was due to a conflict with other features on the site, which have now been resolved. With the growing instances of global insecurity, discussions between members is
Annual Preppers Meet 2023 in just a few days!
Wow! It’s hard to believe how this event has has evolved since it’s humble beginnings in Huntsville, On so many years ago! This weekend, preppers from all over Eastern Canada will gather in Desboro, On for annual meetup. This has morphed into
Tornado Season Is Here!
This article comes with a bit of sleep depravation, as a good part of my night last night was spent on tornado watch. This morning finds our little town strewn with downed trees and spotty electrical service. The whole night was spent
Wash Away The Stink Without Power!
Until recently, off grid laundry was done with a wash tub and board. While this does work for cleaning your clothes, it is labour intensive and rinsing/wringing are an absolute pain in the neck. This ends now with manually powered washing machines.
April Showers Bring Lots Of Flooding
It’s that time of year again! The snow has all but gone, the sun brings warmer temperatures, and the sky brings lots and lots of rain. That’s right folks, it’s spring flooding season!
Project Prioritization
It’s that time of year again when the “to do” lists seem to grow beyond control. It’s easy to get overwhelmed with project lists and get discouraged. Prioritizing your projects can help you get the most important jobs done and leave the
I Don’t Usually Blog On Sunday, But…
Two days ago, on April 21st, the sun belched forward a CME that has reached Earth earlier than expected, and this one has some clout behind it. Notices started hitting my inbox just after 10 AM today. Those first notices went mostly
Return To Sender
A quick reminder – If you send in a password reset request, please be sure to include a VALID e-mail address. We have been responding to a number of password issues, only to have the e-mail bounce back on us due to