Hi. We live in a large urban centre in Central Canada and also own a secondary home with 20 hectares of land in a farming area of Cape Breton Island. It's far from where we currently live but it'll be our eventual retirement home. Both my wife and I grew up in a rural setting and are four seasons outdoor people. Moreover, we don't trust the global money printing and think that it is wise to prepare ourselves for times when urban life will be less cosy than it is now. With this in mind, we have been developing the property as a retreat where we have good neighborly relations and meaningful on-site food production. Since we visit the property only about four times a year for a week each, we are limited what we can do. However, we have started an edible food garden. We'll use this forum to kind of document progress on our property and maybe inspire one or two people, plus of course we enjoy feedback also.
Welcome to the forums edibleforestguy!
Looking forward to reading about your property progress.
██ Eric Pinkerton- Owner of Rapid Survival
██ 72 Hour Survival Kits
██ Emergency Preparedness Equipment
██ http://www.rapidsurvival.com
Good neighbors are essential 🙂
"The thing about smart mother f*ckers, is that they sometimes sound like crazy mother f*ckers to dumb mother f*ckers." -Abraham .”
Welcome EFG,
Good luck with your homestead, every effort will be worth it. C.B. is a beautiful place (well, outside of the industrial part). I get to Port H. every week and know a couple of prepper-type folks in the area.
"A prudent man foresees the difficulties ahead and prepares for them; the simpleton goes blindly on and suffers the consequences." - Proverbs 22:3
"The man who has a garden and a library has everything." - Cicero
It's nice to meet you. It's my hope to eventually retire in CB also. I look forward to reading your posts.