As I am sure most are aware, Sh*t is starting to hit the fan. I am looking for potential like-minded allies in the area specified in the subject line for networking and support if it all goes south. My family and I are not dead weight, nor do we need any. We are self-sustaining, but there is strength in numbers. Let me know if we can network.
Scott +2.
Welcome to the forum ready red. Check out the Alberta section of the forum for any local information and that is where there would be any posts with regards to any meetings coming up.
Welcome to the forum!
██ Eric Pinkerton- Owner of Rapid Survival
██ 72 Hour Survival Kits
██ Emergency Preparedness Equipment
Welcome ready red- welcome to the forum. Would love to sit, chat have coffee with you and yours. Meet in cochrane one of these days? PM me if your able-normally new people to the site need to make 7? or more discussions before they can receive or send pm's.