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The Island Retreat
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Hey D&D , long time no see:)


Check out Canadian Prepper Podcast on iTunes!

One is none, two is one.

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Anyone still here for prepping?

Here in BC we are just finishing a provincial state of emergency where 30,000 + people were evacuated for up to three weeks with minimal notice, martial law was instituted (but never declared), police harassed homeowners who refused to leave their homes even though the local fire danger had subsided, government officials asked residents NOT to believe social media BUT had no relevant information available through their official news outlets.

Yet no discussion, analysis, or debriefing on this (or any) prepping site. While this incident may be "small scale" to some, many major precidents were set for what a more sizable event might look like from an Emergency Mangement perspective including faster suppression of individual rights.

From a prepper perspective, this situation is textbook for analysis, dissection, and discussion.


Anyone still here?

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I wondered if anyone was going to talk about it.. but so far, yours is the first comment I have seen.. I guess we wait and see if it bring in more folks thinking about it.

I took a course after the Fort Mac Fires on how to plan, prep as a farm for a fire.. what we could do for our animals, what we can not do, and a lot more in between

It a intensive day of training with a lot of homework brought home for you to do afterwards


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Hi there, hailing from the Lower Mainland. Looking to make contact with others and get some ideas and suggestions on preparing. Relatively new to all of this.

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We had left our property hours before the fire even started going on a weekend trip with overnight bags and credit cards.
All bug out plans were for naught ,cuz we weren't even home.

The fire came within inches of our house but several neighbors were not so lucky: 3 houses within sight burned and two other neighbours lost outbuildings and/or RVs.

Media would have one believe that the noble fire department saved our house but it was a neighbour a few properties down that fought the fire on our property for hours with a garden rake: the fire dept showed up the next day. I had never met the guy nor did I know his name until I went to thank him.
The police harassed him throughout his stay in his house and threatened to arrest him if he stepped foot off his own property again.

Most concerning to me is the use of military - not to assist firefighters but to re-enforce police. They came with about a dozen Armoued Personel Carriers with whatever cannons come standard on the "export to Saudi Arabia" version. They were not the "nice little green men" in blue berets. They used the armoured vehicles on road blocks to prevent people from unauthorized return to their properties. They are still in the city "assisting police" now, 3 weeks after the evacuation order has been lifted.

This is Canada NOT Syria.

For the evacuation of our town of about 12,000 people, police/provincial emergency personnel let people go either north or south at first. However, speaking to one official recently, he said that the whole thing was a learning situation for them ans "next time there would be no choice on where people would be required to shelter".

This is scary stuff from a civil liberties perspective yet most people accept this as necessary and the new normal.

This is Canada !

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The military arrived after the evacuation and to the best of my knowledge DID NOT assist people during the process.

While some soldiers may have assisted in the fire fighting, I did NOT observe any dirty uniforms.

They served to prevent civilians from returning to their homes by manning roadblocks with the APVs providing an intimidation factor. My neighborhood burned on July 7: by the next day it was safe enough to return (some did). Yet the Powers-That-Be kept us out for 20 days. Even now (3 weeks after the evacuation order was lifted) the military is still here for some reason.

This was an excercise in "soft" Martial Law and like good sheep the average person accepted it without question.

Personally, I would rather have someone steal my TV than give up what I thought were rights and freedoms of being Canadian.

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The military arrived after the evacuation and to the best of my knowledge DID NOT assist people during the process.

While some soldiers may have assisted in the fire fighting, I did NOT observe any dirty uniforms.

They served to prevent civilians from returning to their homes by manning roadblocks with the APVs providing an intimidation factor. My neighborhood burned on July 7: by the next day it was safe enough to return (some did). Yet the Powers-That-Be kept us out for 20 days. Even now (3 weeks after the evacuation order was lifted) the military is still here for some reason.

This was an excercise in "soft" Martial Law and like good sheep the average person accepted it without question.


Personally, I would rather have someone steal my TV than give up what I thought were rights and freedoms of being Canadian.

Interesting, Maybe something to question your MP and MLA on. You can even lodge a request for information on your concerns.

I have no idea what the troops are, but I have helicopter pilot friends there that are equally frustrated with being there and not doing anything. I think the army sent helicopters around a month ago and they've been waiting in Kamloops / Williams Lake "just in case" since. I suppose it's the government (provincial and federal) showing they are poised to respond if needed, but the response time would be too long from their bases.

I've read an access to information report about the floods south of Calgary and the military presence there and from what I read, it really looks like they made it clear they weren't there in any kind of law-enforcement duties. Well, at least that what the grown ups were saying, how that translated at the soldier level can sometimes be different.

As a side note to your experience (sorry about the damage to your property by the way), even if the Canadian government somehow decided to impose martial law, it could only be very localized and for a very short period of time. The military, even assisted with militia and the RCMP and all the local police forces around wouldn't be able to impose a whole lot. I also think a lot of soldiers would walk away after a short while, realizing that this is wrong. Now, nothing to help in your case though, but I would surmise that if there was a checkpoint manned only by the military, that you could walk right through. They may call the mounties though and that is a different story.

Hope you can get back on your feet soon.

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What rights does a Property Owner have to stay on their property during an evacuation ?

Can people be compelled to leave or can they refuse and stay, i.e. : to fight off the fire themselves and protect their property from thieves ?

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We are back on our feet as the feet never left the ground. It was an extremely close call, but only 30% burns to lawn, garden, and scrub brush. Thanks for your sentiments though.

The soldiers were always with an arsie-em-pee member even though the govt officials brought in up to 600 extra police officers before that. The armed forces were there purely to "show muscle" to prevent premature returnees, intimidate cattle ranchers, and keep Indians (aka First Nations Individuals and Communities) in line.

Any other duties were a smoke screen for enforcement assistance.

Legally, you cannot be forced off your property. But my heroic neighbor was threatened with arrest if he stepped foot off his own property again even to put out spot fires. Near 100 Mile House, a person was arrested and charged with " Violating an Evacuation Order" when he went to feed his neighbors cat (with cat/home owners permission).

Any children under 18 years old can be seized.

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Very discouraging, I agree with HP, complain to your MP & MLA, and maybe the media if no traction. You would think they learned from High River. I work with the military so I don't want to dump unfairly on them, however in terms of disaster response, when we had the floods here in early summer, the govt called in the military more as a way to show they were "doing something", days too late & several dollars short. Once they arrived, they had nothing organized, most was under control and lots of photo ops, with the media saying "see, the military is here" type of thing, but the residents said they got zero help with anything. I think it was more for the heavy equipment than manpower. The volunteers and local residents had pumping & thousands of sandbags filled and placed by hand, going for days before the mayor declared an emergency. I think the military contributed a grand total of 1 sandbagging machine. But at least they did not try to act like pseudo law enforcement...

"The thing about smart mother f*ckers, is that they sometimes sound like crazy mother f*ckers to dumb mother f*ckers." -Abraham .”

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Legally, you cannot be forced off your property. But my heroic neighbor was threatened with arrest if he stepped foot off his own property again even to put out spot fires. Near 100 Mile House, a person was arrested and charged with " Violating an Evacuation Order" when he went to feed his neighbors cat (with cat/home owners permission).

Any children under 18 years old can be seized.

So they can't force you of your own property, but the minute you step on someone else's, they've got you.

That last part re: children, that is very concerning. So anyone with kids would be forced to decide : abandon your home or abandon your kids. Not a good question to ask anyone at any stage, but in a high stress and serious situation ...

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Question for the group.

If a property owner decides against evacuating when gov calls for it, then later has to be rescued when situation takes a turn for the worst. Should homeowner be liable for cost of rescue?

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I would personally say yes. Really if your not smart enough to make the call to leave if you did stay. When you know your putting your life in danger. Stuff can be replaced. A life can not be replaced. You are all preppers. You should all know weather to fight or flee to fight another day. Thats my 2 cents on it.

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No doubt there are examples where the answer would be an easy yes, but it could also be turned into a way of coercing people to leave when perhaps there is - objectively - little reason to do so.

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