Should not be news to any of us. Yankee centric but sure we can find Cdn examples.
Agree, we have some really stupid or naive leaders and they will permit the influx. Regardless of political leanings, your article is very accurate. Be it environmental or man made, the magnitude of the event will dictate the outcome. We are also a hairs breath away from an economic event.
There’s also terrorism. I remember listening to a VP of emergency planning from an extremely, extremely large financial house. He clearly said, another 911 type even will have dramatic effect on NYC. Key people will just say screw this, I am out of here. Some did and others are just an event away from pulling the pin. Already you have large corporations, spreading out the C-suite folks, so if one building is hit, the company can survive.
So yes, a good point to consider. Hard to wrap the head around all the con sequences but one will be the introduction of hardened criminals, semi delinquents and ordinary folks simply without hope or respurces to survive. Governments will be useless as two tweets on a bull and will never recognize the bad apples flowing int9 neighbourhoods. It will all be nice platitudes of diversity and together we can do this and that claptrap.
So as always, the prepared will be on their own and the unprepared will be casting an eye towards those who do have their stuff together. Just forget the gov being of any help
Scrounger. To be very specific to your Canadian scenario.
Let’s assume it’s Mid East immigrants from Yemen, Syria............".........
We already acknowledge the fact that we import terrorists. Then there are those that are radicalized in under six months. I will not detail the profile of a terrorist, but I will say it’s not the one you hear about in the news. Poor downtrodden type, just disallusioned. Far different!
So while we let these folks in, we let in some serious bad players and others that can and will become believers. We give them jobs or they know folks within their communities that do have jobs. Jobs in all manner of nation critical industries etc. Trusted people with access to doors, switches....
So while most people rightfully think of impact on social services etc, the other impact can be far more immediate and grave. Some people take this seriously and try and protect the public, but ordinary politicians are a serious threat. They hinder the efforts of good men and women in our security based agencies and that could really hurt us in canada. There’s a great deal of damage that can be done on the cheap if a bad apple has access to areas etc.
So be very careful about all the diversity talk. You’ll note there is very little recent talk about all the immigrants creeping up from the US to borders In quebec and Manitoba. Did it all stop or just become to much of an embarrassment?
I know this is not a political forum and I am not trying to lead it that way. Just listing threats and risks from unvetted people coming here. Be it due to a flood, hurricanes, famine or political excuse.
Yeah, I think you completely missed the point of that article and my reasons for posting it.
Scrounger, I must have! I read about migration due to environmental issues and it’s valid. With any for of migration comes certain undesirable elements. This in addition to drain of social services.
Can you tell me where I am wrong or maybe misunderstood your theme? Maybe I am too tired from a day in the bush and I truly welcome your feedback. Cheers
The article is about how climate/weather change is constantly reshaping our world. It talks about we in NA being inline for some (a lot) of it. So depending on where you are, you either adapt, leave or die.
I didn't post it as a warning that we are going to be over run with climate migrants. Or as a warning about migrants/immigration in general.
More so to start people thinking about what your area/plans may look like long term.
Got ya. I focused on the impact of climate migration, but yes, the potential for any large scale environmental disaster needs to be planned for.
In the end, it pretty well drills down to two scenarios. One where you can stay put and the other is needing to leave in literally minutes. We need to be prepared as much as possible for both. Thankfully, we don’t have drastic events like the US, but a dam breaking, grid down due to solar flare.. will hurt!