Seems some of us are anyways. Learn the way of the warrior, eh!
Time to see where others stand on the environment. You have to admit, the natives get nothing for this effort. They are not holding out for more money. They are not bartering or trading or looking for a deal. They are simply saying NO while they still can. Thus they are at least not hypocrites! Would other races say no when money is being waved so you'll maybe then say yes?
I know, many state that we then would all be living in caves and no progress... so why are we all prepping to go down this path they are already on then? Is it then such a bad path? If natives were in charge, I'm betting the world would be alot cleaner and we'd all be using solar panels. yes, they have their flaws too, but greed isn't one of them!
I'm very pleased that you have posted this Knuckle. The way of the warrior is to use all peaceful avenues and if all else fails the other party is really not listening, I hope and pray that the people of the land win this war but I also doubt it very much as money talks and greed rules. 😳
And how come it takes another ex P/O, who has witnessed some of mankind's violent aspects to better appreciate those avenues which don't promote further violent actions? I always marvel at how the majority of people that choose violence as a recourse action are usually those who have never experienced it. I mean this especially when they opt for their military to enter into a conflict where the lines are blurred and the motives are sketchy. They often haven't even met a soldier, don't mind knowing their individual perspectives. Most civilians didn't even see the connection where US military troops were voting for Ron Paule when it would put them out of work..
I too like and appreciate these folks continued efforts to block expansion without considering the costs. And the fact that they can do it in a non violent fashion shows other nations us Canadians don't first resort to violence as they might do. Maybe we don't argue too much because we really don't want to sell all to other countries who wave some money in our face.... maybe this is Canada's reserve fund for later on!
😯 A true soldier is the one who will tell you never to raise up arms if at all possible, but he is also the one who runs to the aid of others who cannot defend themselves. To him it doesn't matter the political, religious, profit or lack there of.
This is a small fact of battle and warfare. In a fire fight or battle only 25% of troops are actually fighting the battle the other 75% are fighting for their own survival, no one knows until they are there which percentage they will be. ❓
we dont have death penalty in canada i found it unconstitutional to make death penalty outside our border
harper hes a mini bush and i hate him !
Seems that the natives have won another battle without lifting any scalps
They protested against drilling on native land without permission. The RCMP arrested many peaceful protestors as Kinder wanted to make a determination of the value of drilling rights. The above link shows the the second hole wasn't made but state they have enough information for the government to go on. This suggests that the NEB (National Energy Board) gets to have final say as to the granting of drilling privileges by the wording of the article. Wow, does Canada just then take back the reserve land given earlier? Were not there yet are we?
Seems even David Suzuki got in on this event