and what are you testing
Can you keep a secret?
always 😀
So can I 😆 Just kidding. I was seeing if the glitches in the forum were fixed. Seemed like nothing had been posted after Apr 3rd. Tried a test post to check it out. Nothing to see here, move along.
I kind of thought that was the case. You should know by now that I am a brat
There are still a few glitches related to pictures that were uploaded, but aside from that everything seems to be working.
Although I probably just jinxed myself...
While we're on the topic, please notice the "share" feature.
You can now share topics on social media.
thanks Denob
it looks like there are a bunch of new tools
Test again. Was not able to log in for over a week.
Yeah...bloody hackers! Should be good to go now
Thanks Denob!