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[Sticky] Ask a leader water questions here

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Feel free to ask water related questions here.
One of our volunteer topic leaders will be happy to answer you.

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I read somewhere a while back that there is a widget / tap thingy you can buy on amazon to open the external faucets on shopping malls. Ambiguous much? Trouble is I can't remember what it's called.

Assistance s'il vous plait.

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I am sure you could find something to do this.
Most shopping center faucets use a triangular shaped key, which could likely also be built.
Be careful though as some shopping centers will have metered water and may not take kindly to this practice.

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It is a " Sillcock Key " . Canadian Tire has then.

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Thanks Goldie! And, of course - I wouldn't dream of doing this if it wasn't absolutely desperate!

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Where is the least expensive place to buy a water filter in Nova Scotia, is berkey the best? Paul

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Where is the least expensive place to buy a water filter in Nova Scotia, is berkey the best? Paul

Not really sure what local stores might be charging. One thing you will come to realize is that a lot of your prepper supplies will have to be mail ordered, and there are lots of places to choose from.
As for Berkey being the best, I have my doubts, although they are a high quality filter. The problem comes when you look at viruses.
There is a lot of information, and misinformation about the size of viruses. Some websites selling filters claim that the smallest viruses are about .5 microns, while others claim .0004 microns. Obviously, someone is wrong.

For my water filtration, I chose the Aquapail 3000. This will filter 3000 gallons of sewer water (more for cleaner water) and actually KILLS bacteria and viruses, which makes me feel better knowing that it doesn't matter what size they are, and I won't have a filter full of "buggies" to worry about when it comes time to dispose of it.

The one drawback is that you can't just replace the filter, once used up, the whole thing has to be replaced.

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Some websites selling filters claim that the smallest viruses are about .5 microns, while others claim .0004 microns. Obviously, someone is wrong.

For my water filtration, I chose the Aquapail 3000. This will filter 3000 gallons of sewer water (more for cleaner water) and actually KILLS bacteria and viruses, which makes me feel better knowing that it doesn't matter what size they are, and I won't have a filter full of "buggies" to worry about when it comes time to dispose of it.

Bacteria run 2-8 micrometers (microns, un) at widest points, some rods/bacilli in the 0.2 un size.
Viruses run 20-300 nanometers (0.02 to 0.30 un) with some classes hitting 450 (but they're squishy; like saying a jellyfish is 1'x6' so shouldn't it through a 10" net).

Nanometers are 1 x10 to the -9.
Microns are 1 x 10 to the -6 (three magnitudes larger).

Surface-scraping geek going back to her rock now...

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Well, there you go then.
Thanks for the info!

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This year I intend to put together a rain catchment system collecting water from my roof to provide for my water needs. My biggest concern is going to be winter and having things freeze. While I intend to heat the area where my storage tanks + plumbing will be, I can't exactly heat my entire roof to melt snow to get the water. Anyone want to make some problem solving suggestions? Winter bites and so far all I'm thinking is melting buckets of snow on the wood stove which seems very inefficient.
Thank you in advance to all who make a reply.
When I get the whole shindig up and running I promise to post a youtube vid for everyone to dissect. Lol.

“The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.”
― Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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....spring summer fall is the time to collect and store...my experience is roughly 14 to one...14 inches of snow, melting down to 1 inch of dirty water, in other words very little water. And its ugly water at that...think about it its winter more people heating with everything from wood, gas, oil, so the air is dirtier. I stop collecting at the first snowfall and start up again after the first rain.
I know 3 homes using rainwater including mine...not one of us collecting (from snow) in the winter, and its not just a water quality issue, you get very little for your effort and trouble in trying. Now I am talking homes here...a couple bathrooms, flush toilets, normal washing machine, dishwasher, daily showering and stuff.............you don't say but if your just talking about a one room cabin, outhouse, sponge bath, and enough water to make coffee everyday....well maybe it will work for you...
My suggestion is Storage!

Give a man a gun, and he can rob a bank. Give a man a bank, and he can rob the world.

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Thanks for the advice. I found there is a product that will heat through coils but I highly doubt it's worth the energy expanded for the reward. I suppose I will have to research just how much storage I need to get through a winter. (Normal house, single frugal girl). Thanks peppercorn.

“The ultimate test of a moral society is the kind of world that it leaves to its children.”
― Dietrich Bonhoeffer

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Is it safe to store water in plastic milk jugs? How long could it be stored this way? thanks.

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