February 18, 2025
11 11 11 AM
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Annual Preppers Meet 2025 – BIG NEWS Lest We Forget Product Review – AllPowers R600 Power Box w/200Watt Solar Panel Annual Preppers Meet – My Experience Product Review – The Bible of Baofeng Guerrilla Three Rules For Prepper Bartering It’s Garden (Planning) Season! Fish and Bird Antibiotics Banned! Lest We Forget Assembling The Grab And Go HF Radio Kit

It’s Garden (Planning) Season!

Winter is a time when many preppers are dipping into preps. The home canned foods are getting opened and eaten, the firewood pile gets used up, and fuel gets burned in the generator after winter storms knock out power. That doesn’t mean


Always Moving Forward In Prepping

It can get tiring trying to keep up on prepping. It’s sometimes overwhelming. All the projects, all the gear, all the effort. The key is to do something every day. Sure, with work schedules and family obligations, we can’t work at large


Amazon for Preppers!

Stocking up your prepper pantry can be a huge drain on your time and money. While shopping local grocery sales is a great idea, and where we recommend most preppers start out, other options, such as freeze dried foods should also be


Fireside Friday – How to copy Baofeng channels from one radio to another using chirp.

If you own more than one ham radio, you likely want them to all have the same programming. This is done easily with CHIRP, however you may brick your radio if not done properly. Here I show you step by step, how


Saving Data For A Disaster

Preppers have all sorts of data they will want to keep safe from disasters. From personal records such as birth certificates, home ownership documents, insurance policies, wills, and the like to preparedness documents such as e-books, and SOPs (standard operating procedures). Lifesaving

Canadian Preppers Network