A big dog is usually a pretty good deterent
the problem with the fall out is it will travel around the world and in a real world scenario would have multiple detonations that will drop global te...
Hi Aaron, i too live in wl area and have bol locationI have been prepping for about 5 years now and am always looking for like minded individuals.
I went old school and am building a root cellar . in the winter you load it up with ice blocks and keeps everything cold right through summer.
wouldn't that act more like a forge ,heat up fast possibly over heat the unit and use fuel much faster.
I lived in mine for a year,at around neg 30 the waterlines froze and i had to use a heater under the skirting to thaw them out.To prevent the furnace...
black bears can climb,as well as the local hangout for cougars.
Hi there, had the same problem with a low producing well in northern alberta.what we did is put in 2 large 1000 gallon storage tanks and a well pump c...
put your outhouse on skids then you can drag it to your next hole when the first is full.
when i worked in northern alberta a couple of years ago they only needed oil to be at 75 dollars a barrel to be profitable.With technological advancem...
I did some training back in the 80s with diesel generators,with load sharing pairing rpms cycles and speed droop, but todays electronically governd en...
I bought a hyundai 3500 watt generator several years ago from wallmart for camping and what have you.Last year i set up my bol and i was living on it ...
This was taken from the pacific border crossing and the stores were required to note canadian customers for DHDNone of these products were illegal to ...