Clarence, I am the poison ivy queen! I get it annually, sometimes so bad my eyes swell shut - I've even had to go on Prednisone it was so bad. Here'...
Dakota, I totally understand as I went through the same thing over thirty years ago. Virtual }}}HUGS{{{ to you.
Thanks ladies for all your support! I truly appreciate it
I'm stressed! My "stay-home" message to some of my grown married kids fell on deaf ears and two of them (and spouses and 6 of my grandchildren) went ...
I was planning to go out to BC to see my son and his family (2 little granddaughters) at the end of May but now that's questionable due to the global ...
Hi Farmgal, good to hear from you. I'm happy you're taking time for yourself.I'm absolutely double checking all my supplies for the coming months and...
Amid all the reading of C-19 updates & making sure my supplies are in order, I decided to go completely sideways and........ read a book! The aut...
The effects on Canada's economy should be taken seriously
I stocked up on Store brand Tylenol and other OTC medications as well as any other items I regularly use that are made in China or have ingredients/pa...
Chinese factories at a standstill.
*Now known as CoVid-19. Masks are sold out everywhere. But worse is the decreasing amount of products and "active ingredients" from China. Most dr...
Q- "Are you prepping for the coronavirus?" Yes, time to top up my supplies from toilet paper to beans to garden seeds!
Sorry for your loss KK.PrepHer